Davy Fitz- a thread for the non-believers

Oh dear.

Getting a trainer’s preferred feed brand wrong is about as big a mistake as can be made on the internet.


What you have is everybody pulling together for a common goal and feeling part of it. There’s unreal goodwill after being created. No individual is claiming ownership to it or putting themselves ahead of others, like in other counties. Just lots of people bringing their own skills and expertise to it. Thank you Davy.

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Except you, putting celtic ahead of wexford


Well there is that.

Ah im only breaking your balls bud, just don’t ever ever waver from the birds again, kay

Tremendous shithousery from The Wexford People.


Is the role they’re talking about ‘Ireland’s fittest Family’?

Davy’s modern and sophisticated management style has finally found a home in a cultured county which values intelligence and he has lads hopping like sausages in a pan as a result.

Davy, Davy, Davy

Wexford, Wexford, Wexford.

Davy in his sitting room.

More questions than answers here. Who backlights themselves in a video like this? Is he trying not to be seen/recognisable? What about the pianist?? Why the absolute anonymity for him?
And if indeed it is a video from Wexford, is there a body lying somewhere in the house that hasn’t been discovered yet?

A lot of people here were last week predicting a Wexford management pullout

How right they were

But I dont think it’s a pullout of the type they were expecting

oh he’s some bollox.

Giving it absolutely loads in his own column then.

"AMIDST THE heat of referencing to our article of September 3 announcing that Davy Fitzgerald was set to return as Wexford Senior hurling manager for a two-year term, County Chairman, Derek Kent, used some incendiary language.

Trouble is, one could sense that his thunder was stolen, as we were first with the news.

Yes, County Board members may not have been fully aware of all the background happenings and were left waiting in the shadows, but we certainly knew what was going on.

His reaction only strengthened the belief in our article, which ultimately was proven right with Fitzgerald’s decision to return, and also confirming that he will be back for two years which we also announced.

That didn’t stop the demonisation of this journalist, with his use of two inflammatory terms: ‘horsesh…’ and ‘fake news’.

The minutes of the Wexford G.A.A. County Board meeting of September chose to include the words of the County Chairman, describing the newspaper report as utterly incorrect.

He said it had no foundation in fact, and also described it as baseless speculation by a local journalist.

The Chairman expressed his annoyance at another ‘fake news’ article by this journalist in the local newspaper.

He hoped that not withstanding the fabricated newspaper story, there would be a positive outcome and that the current hurling management would remain.

But events that followed over last week exposed how distanced the County Chairman and his top table remained from the County Board floor and the grassroots.

His goads are a polarising tool to this journalist, particularly his recent comments.

It’s something which I am familiar with at this stage, but it is not coincidental that the Chairman is speaking from a top table that chose to no longer grant the media access to County Board meetings, with all matters pertaining to Wexford G.A.A. now discussed behind closed doors.

Decent G.A.A. people are aghast at such language emerging from an officer leading the largest sporting organisation in the county.

There was no intervention from those sitting around him at the top table, and no debate from the floor.

That’s surprising, but no wonder there is widespread unease among clubs, players and club officers, given the running of G.A.A. affairs in the county.

But I would like to remind the County Chairman and those supporting officers around him that we never doubted our information.

We never feared we were wrong in stipulating that Davy Fitzgerald was on the verge of announcing his return to Wexford and also importantly for a two-year term, extending his stay to five years at the helm of Wexford hurling.

Not everyone enjoys a platform behind closed doors to offer poisonous words to condemn a journalist’s work.

In the current Wexford G.A.A. climate, insults are now routine but gladly common sense prevailed amongst the genuine and loyal G.A.A. people involved at grassroots level who were glowing in their praise of how we kept them updated on what is happening within the association in the county.

My inside knowledge of the impending appointment meant I was able to stipulate it was for a two-year term.

It’s a sad day when the leading officer of the association in the county stoops to such comments.

It’s now more important that he is big enough to withdraw those remarks at the October County Board meeting, particularly when his comments have turned out to be unfounded and insulting.

I do believe he has many questions to answer, particularly as the story turned out to be neither ‘horsesh…’ nor ‘fake news’.

His comments were unwarranted and incorrect as the public subsequently found out.

I will always be happy to break the news as it happens, and defend the large cohort of volunteers who contribute selflessly to the organisation and enjoyment of our games."


Elsewhere in The Wexford People this morning, Davy reveals that they’ve been filming behind the scenes since he took over in October 2016 and it will be released as a fundraising DVD to give supporters an insight into their county team and what goes on behind closed doors. Davy showing his innovative fundraising side again (cc @Big_Dan_Campbell). There will also be a corporate fundraising dinner where the Leinster medals will be presented to the squad, not to mention the event in Wexford Spiegeltent on October 10.

Wexford Wexford Wexford.


the type of forward thinking brand management that other Counties would sell their families to have.

As an aside, any managerial appointment in Galway yet?

Clare had a similar DVD effort which they released after the 2013 A/I win.

Have never seen it so don’t know if it is much use or not.

Will there a VLOG of the trip on the mini bus down to Sixmilebridge?

And the optimum ratio level of miwadi to water also explained would be nice touch


:joy: :joy: :joy:

That would poison you. You’d be better to try 1:5