Davy Fitz- a thread for the non-believers

A fine canvas

I’m shocked this hasn’t got more traction. Maybe Davy isn’t in vogue right now.


Davy may need to stop the trips to the Steakout


I think this was discussed here previously. Does he have somebody higher up in a central position relaying info to the fella behind the goals? Absolutely pointless if not, possibly a bit pointless anyway.

A classic case of too many cooks spoil the broth.

It was clear in 2019 when tipp went down to 14 if Wexford retained the ball from their puck outs they’d have won.

You had god knows how many fellas talking to each other on ear pieces and whatever else and still couldn’t retain the ball. The players can’t think for themselves under Davy.

Paralysis by analysis.


He had some of the Waterford lads driven demented on Sunday roaring at them to go here or there or there.

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Davy would make a great u13 basketball coach.

I was over on the far sideline on Sunday and he had a lad on the sideline giving instructions to the players. He seemed to be talking to some lad just up from us inside the fence.
On one particular occasion he asked, player X wants to know what shape we are going with. We were just after going down to 13 men at the time.

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You’d never guess he was a Waterford backroom man.

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Hurling is getting worse than rugby for these nonsensical jargon.

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Is it Davy himself who tells the man on the bank to tell the keeper where to puck it? Or does he have another assistant to do that?

What I used to find gas when he was over Clare that it would be the same handful of players he would spend the day balling instructions to - the golden geese were left at it but lads like Colin Ryan, Conor Ryan, Conor Cleary and a few others would spend the day under a constant barrage of instructions and would have the backs taken off them for the slightest error.

It was principally Kevin Mahony on Sunday.

It was the fellas up in the stand who won that for Tipp. They could see from up high what was going on and relayed the info down to the sideline who really didn’t know what subs to make

Unless they intercepted the walkie talkie to Mark Fanning and told him to fire puckout after puckout down on top of the Tipp defence when he had 2 spare men to play it to short, then the Tipp lads in the stand had fuck all to do with winning.


True that too!!

15k is the price for one of those ‘Your Club’s Fittest Family’ gigs.

That’s what’s so funny about it. For the most part his various schemes have some merit in the sense that they are worth experimenting with, to see if there’s anything to them.

But once it’s abundantly clear that there’s nothing to them and they’re even actively harmful, that’s when Davy really goes to work. It’s a very funny way to approach coaching/management and it’s exciting to think about what he’ll be up to another 10 years down the road.