Davy Fitz- a thread for the non-believers

Ye not going on the sauce for the year? Sheedy is probably typing his resignation letter as we speak

Heā€™ll be back for the 3 in a row in 2026


Lar Corbetts after building on a third floor to the bar

I thought that it was a combination of a few things.

  • Foley sweeping on or behind the 21 instead of in front of it. Maybe it was a case of thinking our lead was big enough and weā€™d be safe if we prevented a goal. Eh, no.

  • Enforced substitutions of Damien Reck and Shaun Murphy weakened us in the half back line. Reck was briefly the spare man and would have been suited to that role.

  • We lost our way in the engine room area: half back-midfield-half forward. We had lynchpin types in Oā€™Hanlon and Ryan in the full back line and K Foley went back there. We lost the two injured lads and Rory Oā€™Connor too. Oā€™Keeffe got a dig in the stomach. We ended up with some of our subs and more inexperienced lads in that sector and they didnā€™t have the impact of the Tipp subs.

  • Most significantly, we launched long puck outs down to the D when we needed to keep it mixed up. We became too predictable and played into one of Tippā€™s strongest areas.

  • We didnā€™t handle being a man up well from a general perspective. Iā€™ve heard we hadnā€™t specifically trained for it. We didnā€™t have a natural break like half time to put some order on it.


Weā€™d no impact off the bench either. Can you see anyone else making the breakthrough to the panel next year? A year too soon for this yearā€™s minors. Any of the under 20s up to it?

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I thought the system broke down due to fatigue/not having enough players. Decision making went awry with tiredness. However, I canā€™t understand the goalie booming it long, he has no excuse and surely should have been exhorting his backs to make themselves available for short puck outs and reminding them to work the ball up the field. And why did Davy not get a message to him to go short? Was it tiredness or did they purposely change tack?

I dont think many of the U20s looked up to it. McGuckin and Molloy the only 2 who looked anyway near the level. I thought Ross Banville would be pushing on but not convinced either. Iā€™d like to see more out of the edge of the panel next year. Ian Byrne is playing well at club level too and is a very good long range striker of the ball. Seamus Casey another good nippy corner forward.

With Aidan Nolan, Harry Kehoe, Dunbar, Dunne, Conor Firman, a full year for James Breen to get back fit and right, Joe O Connor to push on, and the second Reck too on the bench, I think there is enough depth to bring it another level. There shouldnt be any retirements, its a relatively young squad.

There is a guy behind the goal micā€™ed up to Davy or someone in the backroom team telling Fanning what to do. So that to me was a complete failing of the management. Fanning gets criticised for his puck outs, but if you watch him, he looks behind him to get his signal of where to go with it.

It was bananas to me anyway. The losing of the game imo.

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Even on the sauce, we will give it a good rattle next year


Some good young fellas coming through by the looks of it, if ye can hold onto the older heads and they donā€™t lose too much for being a year older yeā€™ll be hard bet

Donā€™t know what the story was with Byrne. Picked up an injury before the Dublin match and never got a look in again. Saw the first half of Gorey game Friday night and McGuckin was one of the better ones for Gorey. Iā€™d say he could be on the panel next year alright.

Harry Kehoe? Come on now

Typical Wexford


Are we back? :eyes:

While the Wexford folk were stuck behind their printers trying to fix TFK, Davy made a dash for the border.

Heā€™s leaving so he is.

The Clare Supporter knew so he did


Fr Trendy gone. Nogra is calling.