Decent Journalism

Lots of sportspeople appear constipated when participating in sport. Hell, Paula Radcliffe did. Damien Cahalane did yesterday. The entire Dublin team did at Wexford Park in 2013, as Ger Loughnane said at the time.

You should take some things less seriously, pal. I’m well known on this forum as a supporter of political correctness.

I was mainly referencing GAA goal of the year lists, by the way, and in particular the inclusion of a penalty in a women’s game in TG4’s Gaelic football “Goal of the Year” shortlist in 2005.

But you won’t find me objecting to Sonia O’Sullivan or Katie Taylor winning the RTE Sports Personality of the Year award.

You hate Una Mullally, mate, and feel threatened by her, not least because of her consistent and spot on demolition of Donald Trump and his supporters like yourself - hence your use of the term “screaming Mullally”.

It’s very much a case of a “screaming Riggins” here.

Sidney is fair rattled here.

The problem with the likes of Sid is that he is desperate to be popular. When the ‘likes’ dried up for his satire and comedy pieces that The Phoenix didn’t think good enough to print, he looked for low hanging fruit like women’s sport, as he knew that would garner him likes on here.

Here’s some more snide comments from Sid on ladies sport.

From 2013. We all know what Sidney was insinuating.

More insinuation from Sid;

More abuse;

Recall Sidney’s indignation over other’s commentary on the disposition of people like that reporter Trump made fun of last year. Sidney described female sport’s stars as being “constipated” when playing. Claims they’re all lesbians and ugly.

At least Ms Mullaly is a true believer, unlike Sidney whose positions shift like the sand.

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My oh my.

Tim giving @Sidney an awful chasing here.

Oooofffttt x 2

@Sidney has @Tim_Riggins dancing to his tune here. Searching for and taking posts from years back out of context is a real sign of desperate INTERNETTING. Well played as ever, Sid.

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It’s called a clamping, mate.

Coming in trying to rescue him is cute, but making his kicking look twice as bad.


Pathetic attempt by the portly one to be relevant

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Posters who have to resort to this generally are exactly that.

I’m quite proud of the fact that I’m deeply unpopular with most posters here. I wouldn’t have it any other way. When they start liking my posts I’ll re-evaluate the situation.

I attract a small amount of likes from the small amount of quality posters and I’m quite happy with that, thanks.

You really are desperate.

And desperate for likes, too.

I think you’re absolutely seething that Mr. Trump, who you’ve backed all along, has again proved me right and you wrong at the weekend with his tacit approval of Nazis.

Ending up on the same side as Nazis just to try and win an argument, as you have done, brings desperation to a whole new level.

Earlier on you were associating yourself with Una Mullally, now you’re disassociating yourself from her.

That’s called a position shifting in the sand.

You really haven’t thought this one through.

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I just posted some things you had previously said above. Nothing more. That’s fine, everyone knows what you are now.

I posted yesterday that he should not have said “on many sides”. I didn’t hide from that. When Corbyn did okay in the election, I didn’t run away like a @Steven_Naimsith (who knows what he posts under now) or go batshit mental like yourself. I note though that when Corbyn said similar last week about Venezuala (i.e. “I condemn violence on many sides”), you weren’t on here lambasting him.

Huh? I don’t have to subscribe to every view of someone. I don’t even see where you are getting thiat from the above. This isn’t like supporting a sports club. You seem to think this is, so have rowed in behind Una Mulally here, despite the fact that your posting history shows a clear contempt for women who play sport. A further couple of notable things that was notable was that when you were jumping on the “I hate rugby” bandwagon for a few weeks to get likes, women being bigger supporters of it than other sports seemed to really bother you. You have a strange hang up on what you think women should and shouldn’t do with themselves, very odd indeed.

Nah you’re quite desperate and needy. Starting numerous threads with your Private Eye lite posts.

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You’re desperate for likes, Timmy.

All that trouble, all that effort.

The government of Venezuela isn’t killing people, attempting to kill people or vilifying people because of their skin colour, mate. It’s a complicated political situation from which you and other like-minded posters get your information and narrative from mainstream US media outlets which you spend the rest of your time trying to discredit.

Trump is a fool. Anybody with any semblance of intellect who backed him should have run away for their lives if they had any self-respect. You’re still just about hanging in there although you’ve been getting more and more quiet lately on that front.

Your posting history and your political stances suggest a deep seated dislike of women. My posting history proves the opposite.

I think your problem is that I really throw you because I don’t act like your imagined caricature of a “snowflake” and am well able to dish it out, take it and expose the vacuousness at the heart of the sort of conservative, alt-right viewpoint you support.

You’re right. This isn’t like supporting a sports club. So why do you act like it is?

I write because I like writing and am a creative sort, not for the approval of snowflakes like you - although your disapproval is certainly a welcome by-product. And I create good stuff. I don’t need anybody else to tell me that. The reactions of the posters I like to antagonise and do antagonise proves it.

The lengths you’ve gone to to garner likes from the interminable dullard dregs of the forum are most amusing, by the way.

Keep it up. It’s tremendously funny - unfortunately for you, unintentionally.

I’m happy to give that a like

Once again Sid has these chumps dancing to his tune

Can you give us the gist of what’s going on here?

Rural right wingers getting riled

Tims a rural?

14 cups of tae must be a record clamping?

Not a particularly unique story, but great storytelling




He forgot the reference to Kerry’s latest drug cheat coming from “a great GAA family who are great, decent people and shure he’s a grand lad who’d never knowingly do anything wrong”.