Diego Maradona Appreciation Thread

Again heā€™s a little Englander who wouldnā€™t be out of place at an EDL parade.

Shilton is getting an awful kicking online. Diego is barely even cowld and heā€™s humiliating him all over again.

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Blocking people all over the place. A sure sign of weakness.

More blocking than he did in the shootout against the Germans

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An evisceration

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Id like to leave my condolences outside the Argentinian Embassy this evening but I assume that I canā€™t buy flowers anywhere under level 5. Can anyone think of anything appropriate that I could buy to leave outside the embassy? I dont know any cocaine dealers.

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Diegoā€™s shirt from the Hand of God goal is now in the National Football Museum. Steve Hodge (he who pinged that ball back towards goal before Diego outjumped Shilton), swapped his shirt with Diego that day, and later donated it.

How much would that be worth now. I cant think of any sports memorabilia that would come close.

The highest price fetched for a football ( soccer ) match worn shirt is $224,000. The shirt belonged to the legendary PelƩ, who wore it during the 1970 World Cup final in which Brazil went on to win.

It would beat that youā€™d reckon.

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It should be returned to its rightful nation and people, like the Elgin Marbles.

If Messi had a soul heā€™d purchase it and donate it back to the people of Argentina.

Terry Fenwick pinged the ball back Iā€™m pretty sure

England defenders of that era had a great love for hoofing the ball straight up in the air in major finals matches.

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Youā€™re not doing very well of late.

At the end of the first half, while the game was still tied at 0-0, Maradona was beginning to influence the end result of the match. Six minutes into the second half of the game, Maradona took the ball out of the box with his left leg and passed it to teammate Jorge Valdano. Valdano tried to take on several English defenders, but the ball was intercepted and thrown back and forth and eventually cleared towards Englandā€™s goal by English midfielder Steve Hodge.

Because of the position of the players, Maradona would have been caught offside, but as the ball came off an opponent, he was onside. Alone inside the penalty box and with the ball dropping down, Maradona contested the ball with goalkeeper Peter Shilton, who stood 20 centimetres (8 inches) taller than Maradona. Shilton jumped forward with his right hand, while Maradona did so with his left arm outstretched. Maradonaā€™s fist, which was raised close to his head, touched the ball first and hit the ball into Englandā€™s goal. Maradona began to celebrate while glancing sideways at the referee and the linesman for confirmation. He then fully celebrated the goal when it was given.


Could instead make a monetary gesture to the kids of the Barrios.

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Not sure that will help the anti lockdown agenda he was nudging at.

Letā€™s see when that smug cunt dies

That Fenwick chap went through the back of Diego around the 60th minute mark with an elbow to the back of the head. Any chance they could to lay one on Maradona they did but the Argentinians just shut up shop and didnā€™t put him in harms way after that with bigger fish to fry.

Brilliant picture
should be in the things that are right thread
everything about it is great, celebrating in front of opposition fans just after a war to goad them, the reaction of the fans is correct and outstanding, there is everything, passion, joy, hatred, revenge and overt nationalism there on display.
Thatā€™s what international sport should be about

what have we got today, Rhys Grego Cox and CJ Standerā€¦