Disinformation and demagoguery

FWIW Iā€™m definitely seeing far more right wing stuff than before. However I do click on it sometimes because its generally fucking hillarious to read the absolutely batshit mental stuff thatā€™s in the comments.
So I would say it is partly my fault. I do agree the algorythm was tweaked though

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Ewan will be seething that Wollie is listed and he was omitted

Thereā€™s a menā€™s fashion account on Twitter that I now see all the time despite not following

You lads need to look into your souls

Yes and the reason the algorithm was changed is because Elon Musk is a fucking obvious trojan horse chaos actor running interference on behalf of himself, Trump, Putin and a loose alliance of international kleptocrats and authoritarians.

What more effective weapon could you have to engineer the world towards your own interest and that of your buddies than having control of the worldā€™s most influential information tool?

I read something the other day about hilary clinton, hunter s. thompson and @Bandage hunting children in the forests around bohemian grove. I must say i found it very compelling.


Yeah not sure if the algorithm was changed on the whim of Musk. Remember twitter was being accused of a lefty woke set up, so all those people, for the most part, are still there.

As @Julio_Geordio said, half the problem is clicking into them. Iā€™d do the same, Iā€™d see some random tweet on here or on twitter, click into it and see some of the utterly bizarre racist fuckology ever.

A simple one, there at the weekend, an article in the indo about heat pumps and the headline was along the lines of ā€œheat pumps pump up your electricity billā€. But the article was very much a piece about how if it isnt installed right, in the correct environment, that it could be overworking and cost money. But the headline was provocative to get clicks, and the comments were full of either people roaring abuse at Eamon Ryan and climate change, or for some bizarre reason, a load of anti vaxxers and a load of people with Irish flags in their name, which is a nice way to identify these sorts lately. Any sort of renewable energy or set up seems to draw out the same demographics of people.

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The notion that Twitter was a ā€œlefty woke set upā€ was such transparent bullshit that it barely needed to be stated.

In general, liberal/left worldviews require understanding and nuance of the world, as well as a firm moral compass to actually call out obvious truths in matters that are obvious.

Right-wing ideologies rely overwhelmingly on slogans and lies. Latterly, a tankie ideology (pro-authoritarian fake left, essentially fascists wearing the fake clothes of fake social justice) has also found Twitter to its liking because it also relies on slogans and lies.

Twitter, as a medium in which messages can only run to 380 characters or whatever it is, is inherently suited to fascist and authoritarian rhetoric and lies. It always has been.

The previous Twitter admin seemed to me to be torn between the knowledge that i) its product was a gift to authoritarians, liars and demagogues and ii) all the $$$$$$$$$$$ that generated. They had to be seen to be trying to keep some kind of a tenuous lid on it because they were sort of shamed into doing so and because it was so obvious the basic premise of how Twitter worked was a gift to fascists. And I donā€™t think the previous Twitter regime were fascists, they were just tech bros and girls who created something which turned into a Pandoraā€™s Box.

Musk has just taken the gloves off because he is a genuine ally of the global axis of authoritarianism.

Most comments to messages on Twitter are by bots That seems obvious to me. This is especially so when it concerns somebody from the likes of the Green Party or the Labour Party or any person or entity which could be broadly be perceived to be within the centre-left social democratic spectrum. Every single message I see that mentions Eamon Ryan or Roderic Oā€™Gorman attracts bots and trolls like flies are attracted to shit, flooding the zone with bullshit.

As far as I see, Twitter works by using vast armies of bots and trolls to pump hateful content by chaos actors who are real people. This means the content spewed out by these hateful actors is constantly primed and amplified like ā€œsponsored contentā€. These vast armies of bots and trolls also serve to intimidate and push good faith actors away from the platform, and make hate figures of people in the public eye who are just trying to do their jobs as best they can, imperfect as they may be.

I think the sheer volume of bot activity is an underplayed factor in the rise of authoritarianism and the rise of mindless sloganeering which deliberately destroys public understanding of complicated topics, and yet deliberately confuses public understanding of topics which are genuinely simple to understand, such as Russiaā€™s barbaric invasion of Ukraine and the statinā€™ the bleedinā€™ obvious fact that the blame for this lies entirely with Putinā€™s Russia and Putinā€™s Russia alone.

All this bullshit also keeps left/liberals/good faith people constantly on the back foot. If you create a world of bullshit, you flood out good faith politics because good faith politics has to spend so much of its time disproving obvious lies and saying why hate speech is bad.

I saw the below account being widely shared by anti-trans accounts yesterday as supposed ā€œproofā€ of the ā€œridiculousnessā€ of anybody who advocates treating trans people as real human beings rather than as legitimate targets for sustained and vicious hate speech.

It would have taken about 15 seconds of somebody going through the timeline of the account to see that itā€™s a far right MAGA account pretending to be a ā€œridiculous, over the topā€ trans person, producing fake content designed to be shared far and wide by online foghorns like ā€œLibs Of TikTokā€.

The account was created in January 2023. The account has ā€œridiculousā€ fake pro-trans messages designed to discredit trans rights, which go back to about March 24th, and then the account is largely dormant back as far as early February. From then back to the start of the account in January, all its content consists of anti-trans and far right retweets from accounts including Jordan Peterson, Kim Dotcom, Avi Yemeni (an Australian far right propagandist), Sky News Australia, US far right propaganda operation Project Veritas, anti-vaxx Covid conspiracist Steve Kirsch, and Elon Musk.

Thatā€™s just a small microcosm of how disinformation works. And the people who most object to little demonstrations such as this tend to be the people that are most willingly taken in by disinformation.

The lad who runs Wagner for Russia also runs bot/troll factories. Any good articles on it @Cheasty?

Its good to click into the batshit craziness every now and again. Dont live in an echo chamber guys, allow the crazy in, accept it for what it is (utterly mental crazy bastards), pat yourself on the back for being sane, and go on about your day.

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I think we all know what they kept some kind of a lid on

This picture being an AI generated fake hasnā€™t stopped it being widely shared by the Assange cult - which is at this stage little more than a pro-Russia cult and an utter cesspit reminiscent of QAnon - and by disinformation agents like that pathetic fraud James Melville.


Heā€™s up there with Vince McMahon now.

Youā€™re pro killing journalists. Quail surprise

Unlike with Gemma Oā€™Doherty, itā€™s hard not to feel some sympathy for this lady, because she seems, well, like a nice person.

Youā€™d genuinely wonder what happened to her to make her the way she is now.

Thatā€™s just sad.

season 8 episode 10 GIF

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