Do not vote for Sinn Fein in the next election

I believe the argument is he is a simpleton. In fairness, that covers a very broad swarth of Irish politicians.

A comedian and a bigot. Excellent credentials to attract sfira voters.

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KIngsmills bread have regularly advertised on UTV on January 5th in the past with no problems.

Apparently that was a direct insult to the victims!

Personally I would have censured Barty McElduff for inappropriate advertising but for no other reason.

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A simpleton maybe, but he didn’t choose that particular brand and post at that exact time in error. He did it to take the piss out of the murders on the anniversary of the murders.

There’s no need to paraphrase my post, mate. It was very clear.


Lads here who have laughed at swastikas being daubed on walls, called for ethnic cleansing on this island and support Britain First are now all offended about somebody innocently putting a loaf of bread on the top of their head.

It’s fascinating to watch, as one of those posters once repeated fifteen times in a failed attempt to in an argument.

You couldn’t make it up!

Sinn FĂ©in Confirm Kingsmill Video MP Will Be Bullied Out Of Party


A SINN FÉIN MP who received a torrent of criticism for a video that seemed to mock the victims of the Kingsmill massacre will be disciplined by his party, WWN has learned.
Sinn FĂ©in have confirmed that MP Barry McElduff will be dealt with using official party policy which involves the bullying and intimidation of its members, similar to the alleged tactics used within the party that brought about a number of party members leaving the Republican party.

McElduff, who harmlessly perched a loaf of Kingsmill bread on his head in a video that had nothing to do with mocking the 11 victims of an IRA attack in Kingsmill, Armagh, 10 of whom were murdered in 1976 massacre, has apologised for not offending people on purpose.
“If people had any lingering doubts about Sinn FĂ©in after this incident, may we remind you we can be trusted to bully and intimidate anyone who steps out of line,” confirmed one Sinn FĂ©in spokesrepublican, alluding to allegations of bullying against councillors in Kildare, Tipperary, Cavan, Cork and Wicklow.
If McElduff remains in the party after a bullying campaign, he is expected to return to not taking his seat in Westminster.

Michelle is defending that gobshite on Radio1 now,
She thinks it wasn’t an attempt to be offensive :rofl:

Do you think it was?

This one is a lightweight, Mary Lou is worth ten of her

O’Neill has a horrible accent, she sounds nasty and aggressive.

She’s a question dodger, must be a Nordie trait, Mary Lou would respond with due earnestness (is that the right word) before biting back, Mary Wilson destroyed yer one

You never answered my question, mate?

He’s a question dodger.


Sling your hook - newbies don’t get to pester established posters with inane questions


That was a silly question really mate, a very silly question, the fella who’s crying laughing says a lot.

I wasn’t asking for permission.

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Why are you afraid to answer the question?

Perhaps you are new to the internet @Cicero_Dandi but I won’t be expanding on this, if you need help interpreting this then I’d worry for you.
