Do not vote for Sinn Fein in the next election


I see a member of the bow tie wearing community has joined SF.


[ATTACH=full]1048[/ATTACH] Was it for this etc.

A party on the rise! We will not be stopped- Stick your fixie up your bollox…


He looks like a fucking retard in any case.

Sinn Fein/ira are only a pretend party. They like to style themselves as socialists to appeal to their brain dead supporters but when you have thick bastards like this representing them the mask always slips

SF have turned into the most populist of populist parties. Their stance now on abortion and their embracing of the new ethnic minority ensures that I will never again vote for them.

The stance on immigration has been there for at least 20 years mate

I wasn’t referring to to the immigration of people who want, by and large, to partake in and contribute in a positive fashion to their new found homes and surroundings.

I’m just saying their stance on immigration hasn’t changed in years

This goon has been suspended from all activities, for 3 months…


this whole episode highlights that sinn fein/ira are only a pretend party, behind their claims of being a proper political party they secretly love and glory in murder and sectarianism, they appeal to scumbags which make up their core vote, young educated people can see them for what they are


What about FF/IRA FG/IRA and LAB/OIRA?

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Outrageous to think the sectarian bastard wasn’t made resign.

Just goes to show what Sinn Fein are about.


What’s he being suspended from? Sure he already doesn’t turn up for his job. Does it mean he just doesn’t get to hang around with his MLA mates who don’t turn up either?


He is banned from Twitter for a few months by the look of it.
The shinners are not a real party. They are a joke party. There are no real political parties up north. Just a few different scumbag factions taking money from the United kingdom in return for being good and not murdering civilians.