Do not vote for Sinn Fein in the next election

More embarrassment for Sinn Fein. Caught out in more grandstanding and secret dealing

A tad over reaction there, mate… of course, when a Sinn Fein story breaks we all now the establishment are trying to get us to look away from something else…


Sinn Fein are the establishment. Feathering their own nests.

How many holiday homes has Jarry?

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The establishment wont accept them for another while, mate… But they are on the way for sure.

Well they have the correct “snout in trough” mentality to fit in. I just feel sorry for their salt of the earth voters who believed they were different to the establishment parties.


Ruairí O’Bradaigh always said that once you start taking your seats you become apart of the system and look to defend it.

Hard to argue here. SF have abandoned their friend of the working man schtick.

SF following the same path all the other constitutionalists followed, they were just slow learners.

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