Note, this is a PUBLIC poll.
Are dressing gowns acceptable?
Conventional wisdom states that they’re for fannies and/or paedos but is that really the case?
Note, this is a PUBLIC poll.
Are dressing gowns acceptable?
Conventional wisdom states that they’re for fannies and/or paedos but is that really the case?
They are fantastic, I actually have 5 dressing gowns.
You sure?
Wasnt it mentioned here before that barkeybat has a dressing gown?
I tapped null by mistake but would have voted no. Only sleaze bags own a dressing gown.
No. Good God no.
This poll isn’t public you gowl
The only reason you don’t like them is because they make you look like a streetwalker.
Leave dressing gowns alone. :shakefist:
I have one yes but rarely wear it. I thought it would be a good idea to steal it at the time but i’ve only worn it a handful of times since…
You stole a dressing gown??
Good god man, have you no shame?
From a friend or a store?
I also stole a dressing gown, from the Europa Hotel in Belfast.
From a fancy hotel…
dresin gown or terry robe?
Honest mistake on my part.
I own a dressing gown but it was bought for me and I don’t wear it.
What’s the difference?
Rarely wear it but handy when you need to go downstairs in middle of night and don’t want your bollocks hanging out
Surely stealing a dressing gown from a hotel is a vile act. You don’t know what kind of sicko’s used it before you unless each hotel provided gown is brand new? Would you buy pyjamas from a second hand store? Would you?