Does anyone here actually really like their work? PS please could you give a clue as to what you do if so

well some of us had mate


At the end of the storm is a golden shower

I have a vague recollection of my first boss telling me to tidy up some heaps of silage left on the ramp, after buck raking- he told he to go and get a grape from the corner of the tool house. He was exasperated when i returned and told him there was no grape, this scenario was repeated a few times until he left his own job and stormed off to the tool house himself. I was actually close to tears- it seemed so stupid. A grape- what was a grape even doing in the tool house, and was there not a grape each? I was only doing my best and he was making me feel useless and inadequate


I was put hoovering on my first day in the large staff canteen in UCHG as a gassun. Held the hoover with one hand, trying to be cool, like. The boss, who I subsequently heard had a problem with de drink came out lambasting me in front of the doctors and nurses. I was morto as she snapped it out of my hand and started furiously hoovering. A few seconds of this and she asked ‘Got it???’ I meekly shook my head and asked could she show me again. I gave a cute hoor nod to those looking as she started furiously hoovering again. Their skittering alerted her and she made my life hell anytime she was in, which thankfully was rare enough cos of said drink problem.


I know mate, but i was only four

Teachers also don’t get 800 a week in many other countries I’d wager

For international wimmins day , we’re invited to hear a very special guest speak… She’s a leader, a board member, an entrepreneur and …and… A top 100 empower ethnic minority executive!!

What a scoop.


4 kids and two dogs is just a luxury spend choice of yours though.
You may as well say you can’t afford to shop at Harrods.


You’d need to be earning more than 55k to bring home 800 PW surely

Is it Smelly Winnie Keenan?


Little less i think

55k would have you at 797 a week.

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You mean a graipe?

My eldest was in hospital a good bit for a few months, nothing too major but he had a few multiple night stays in there, a few hurried ambulances etc but he’s fine now. I used my annual leave while he was sick. Think it was the 3rd or 4th time and i rang work and said he’s in hospital again and they asked can I come in anyway. I rang them when hecwas getting put and said I’d be back the following day. They told me not to and to take my two weeks continuous leave there and then. Didn’t have the holidays and wanted what ones I had left in case he was in again. They wouldn’t budge. I went in anyway and sent a mail to HR. HR said there was no requirement for me to take 2 weeks leave. Sent that email on to my managers. They were fuming.


An oft citied study by economist Daniel Kahneman in 2010 found that above $75k annual income a person’s happiness didn’t change appreciably. Granted that number needs to be adjusted for inflation, and there are obvious geographic factors. But the take away for the study was that once people reached a certain point where certain needs were being met, then income above that point had diminishing returns on happiness.

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He meant a graipe, but i was looking for a grape…


and now youre just left with gripes!

Is there a sweet spot when you factor in 50% tax that earning more isn’t worth the extra hassle required to earn it?


Yes, when you run the maths and you’re working more than 2 days a week for Michael Martin and free gaffs any more salaried income is futile.

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I have no gripes, grudges or resentments. I do have a few vendettas though

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