Dogs, Ireland's Shame

You probably have eaten cat already. 30% of all meat in Chinese restaurants is dog, 20% is duck taken from nearby lakes and rivers, 15% is beef and the remainder is a mixture of cat and other small animals.

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My Sadie is a queen…

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That seems incontrovertibly true and I wouldn’t dream of questioning it.


Labs up to 12 months at least are absolutely fucking mental. Shit all over the place and destroy everything that they can get their paws on. They’re fucking gorgeous though so you can’t stay mad at them. They start calming down as they get older. Unless one of ye is going to be home for most of the day, ye should get a small dog, bud. Keeping a big dog locked up in a house or a small back garden for 8 or 9 hours a day is just cruel.


What you are feeding them is also incredibly important.

All I’m saying is the man walked in with two dogs and came out carrying only the leads.
Right mangy looking fuckers they were too.
I’m telling you.
One of the lads told me and he wouldn’t make it up.

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:grinning: :+1::+1: