Druggies or Drinkers?

Following on from the discussion of dunphy’s drug abuse in another thread would be interested to know how many lads on here have taken recreational drugs?
For my own part, I’m 30, I’ve smoked hash/grass and taken pills (ecstasy) and coke. I took mushrooms once. Never touched acid or anything else.
Smoked a lot of grass when I was out in Australia for a couple of years around 7 or 8 years ago but would never have been a big hash smoker at home.
I come from a largish provincial town where drugs would be huge now but when I was growing up you would have had to really go looking for them.
I never took pills while I was in college, was purely a cans and vodka man, but took one first when I was about 21 and I’d say I’ve taken them about 30 or 40 times since, maybe three or four times a year. Always enjoy a night out when taking them but would feel slightly guilty and depressed after some nights.
Have taken coke a few times but never took to it really.
My friends would be split down the middle between lads who’ve never touched anything stronger than carslberg and fellas who would be the same as me. No one or two boys who take pills nearly every weekend, even still, and it can’t be good for ya.
So what’s the story with the rest of ye, druggies or drinkers?

I believe there was a thread on here a few months ago(think gman started it) about drugs…Think I was the only member that never had taken any kind of drugs apart from the odd few anti inflammitories and pain killers for the knees and ankle…

Drink - Pints of Smithwicks and bottles of blue wicked. Don’t drink shorts but can choke down a tequilla if peer pressure is applied.

Drugs - smoke a good bit. don’t do anything else. coke - thrice. acid - once. pills - never.

[quote=“gola”]Following on from the discussion of dunphy’s drug abuse in another thread would be interested to know how many lads on here have taken recreational drugs?
For my own part, I’m 30, I’ve smoked hash/grass and taken pills (ecstasy) and coke. I took mushrooms once. Never touched acid or anything else.
Smoked a lot of grass when I was out in Australia for a couple of years around 7 or 8 years ago but would never have been a big hash smoker at home.
I come from a largish provincial town where drugs would be huge now but when I was growing up you would have had to really go looking for them.
I never took pills while I was in college, was purely a cans and vodka man, but took one first when I was about 21 and I’d say I’ve taken them about 30 or 40 times since, maybe three or four times a year. Always enjoy a night out when taking them but would feel slightly guilty and depressed after some nights.
Have taken coke a few times but never took to it really.
My friends would be split down the middle between lads who’ve never touched anything stronger than carslberg and fellas who would be the same as me. No one or two boys who take pills nearly every weekend, even still, and it can’t be good for ya.
So what’s the story with the rest of ye, druggies or drinkers?[/quote]

very similar to that -used to do pills regulary enough and a bit of coke but always thought pills were better value- did acid a few times in school as well & tried ketamine? once -

a few pints of guinness is my lot, a glass of wine or two if im trying to look posh.

2 panadol if iv a headache, been doing this since i was 14

Drink practically everything bar Bulmers.

I’ve smoked the magic stuff in collge but it does nothing for me. May have a taken an E once or twice on a night out.

Just drink. Guinness or 'Ken if in the city centre on a pub crawl.

Smoked a bit years ago but it turns my stomach. Never took pills, coke, speed any of that shit. Nothing against it per say; if in the right company I would try a yoke but it never happened.

I count myself lucky that I have a group of friends from college that only drank. I do recall being hard up for cash once and dropping a few disprin into my can of fosters and don’t recall much after that. I’m glad of my innocence if anything.

Same same minus the ketamine! it must have been that that pushed you over the edge!!:smiley:


it was a once off - our mate who got it for us is now known as “the vet”

I miss pills. Don’t take them anymore after going wild on them and making my mental well-being even worse.

Certainly don’t miss smoking hash. Not the rubbish in this country anyway.

I always maintain that Ireland doesn’t have the weather to have an enjoyable drug lifestyle. All I remember from taking pills in Ireland is freezing my arse off in the early hours of the morning coming back from some god-forsaken session. Ibiza it is not.

still maintain coming up on a pill is one of the best feelings you’ll ever experience…but alas nothing lasts forever and the day after is sheer hell…used to do the dust when i lived in america but never got into it back here because basically thought it was absolutely s*it quality for what you were paying…hash never done anything for me…wouldn’t bother with anything anymore…

Never touched the stuff, ever. A few of my friends are into various drugs and for some reason every time the subject comes up they all tell me how much they used to take and how little drugs they take compared to some other lad they know.

Used to hit the pills hard for 4 or 5 week bursts and have to agree with you that its an amazing feeling. Just sheer bliss. After a few weekends in a row I used to feel a bit ragged though and I can see how some people get fried on them from going too hard for too long. Have smoked plenty in my time and still do if its floating around but never stepped up into top ranks of that brigade. Coke is overrated in my book, quality is fairly hit and miss. Would recommend mushrooms, a great day out in the right company. Just turn off your phone first.

In my opinion there are too many great experiences and too much unbelievable craic to be missed by staying completely away from drugs. Excess in moderation as Doug Stanhope suggests is the way to go in my book. Instead of drinking two beers for six nights, drink 12 beers on one night. Instead of nibbling on a mushroom and getting blurry vision, eat a bag of them and see God. Each to their own though.


Tried hash a few years ago, I wouldnt touch the other shit…whats the point. Plenty other ways to have a good time

Don’t want to incriminate myself here so will not be recounting my stories, if indeed I have any stories. Putting money into the hands of scumbags always tempered my relish for narcotics.

One substance I’ve always dreamed about getting my hands on though is mescalin. You’d acquire that through a bent pharmacist or doctor I’d say though.


One substance I’ve always dreamed about getting my hands on though is mescalin. You’d acquire that through a bent pharmacist or doctor I’d say though.[/quote]

or through a head shop


Was it you who said before that there was a mesculin substitute in the head shop…what is the name of it?

Have you done it and whats it like?

done just about all of them except heroin. Drink is number 1 though, still dabble occasionally 3 or 4 times a year with pills and a bit of sniff

Are you serious Dan? I thought any derivative of Peyote would be a Class A drug?

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Don’t want to incriminate myself here so will not be recounting my stories, if indeed I have any stories. Putting money into the hands of scumbags always tempered my relish for narcotics.

One substance I’ve always dreamed about getting my hands on though is mescalin. You’d acquire that through a bent pharmacist or doctor I’d say though.[/quote]

Mescalin ffs, who do you think you are Johnny Depp? Suck the worm and see how you get on. In the meantime stick to your Smithwick Shandy’s.

Me; I’ve done the lot, loved the grass that was baling into UCC in the 80’s but was too fond of the gargle for anything illegal to get too serious. Coke back then was pricey so t’was only used to bring you down from a weekender. (Usually s’rooms) But by 93/94 coke was a fiver a line; I remember the Trinity Ball (I think it was the year Kristy McColl played) and coke being given away with ten spots of hash in the Buttery.

Worse stuff ever was Absinthe, even had to see a doc. But the worse damage was that fucking AfterShock meself and big Tracey savaged with Barry White one night; had to get the couch recovered and industrial cleaners in to tackle the carpet; and we couldn’t drive for a week afterwards.

But my worse addiction; Fashion Labels.