Drugs in sport (and non sports)

Cark in a nutshell

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Terrified :joy:

Apparently he was roped into taking the banned substance.

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Pull the other one.

Did a search in this topic for Limerick and all that really came back was cocaine use by club players. Nothing about 18 players about to win six all Ireland senior championships in seven years and what are they taking to do so. Strange.

You must be incredibly dim not to put the all Ireland wins into context.

Did you forget the whole Covid thing when almost no games were played?

He’ll dig his heels in over this.

Whats being suggested here in relation to Limerick?

Sort of like an asterisk beside 2020 & 2021, as if they don’t really count?



Presumably the people organising this are the same fellas that complain about trans competitors in women’s sports?


Davy told ye so he did

He tried to open a conversation 10 years ago but was silenced.

A shame.

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Its a society issue not a GAA issue

The 50% of players line is surely rubbish for a start


Players playing while high on coke is a GAA issue

Yeah it’s probably more.

Who was the Limerick player caught on camera taking a boost again?