Drugs in sport (and non sports)

Whats being suggested here in relation to Limerick?

Sort of like an asterisk beside 2020 & 2021, as if they don’t really count?



Presumably the people organising this are the same fellas that complain about trans competitors in women’s sports?


Davy told ye so he did

He tried to open a conversation 10 years ago but was silenced.

A shame.

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Its a society issue not a GAA issue

The 50% of players line is surely rubbish for a start


Players playing while high on coke is a GAA issue

Yeah it’s probably more.

Who was the Limerick player caught on camera taking a boost again?

I don’t believe it is anywhere near that

Young lads are stone mad for it

Its everyone in North Clare ffs, all the young people are on it

I simply don’t believe that more than 50% of gaa players, nor youth are taking cocaine regularly.

I hear it’s easier to buy cocaine than to buy orange juice Father

What about the other one that looked like it reared it’s head in the GAA and was swiftly kicked under the carpet? That the majority on adult GAA teams were diagnosed asthmatics so they could avail of medicines that could increase the performance of the lungs? Was that nonsense or was there truth to it? Hard to believe a successful intercounty team were full of diagnosed asthmatics.

Sweep sweep

The Limerick’s wont like this one bit…