I’m disgusted with this TBH. Of all players why Carter.
His agent has said on behalf of both Kiwis that they knew this was on the way since the final but are not concerned because they had obtained a TUE for the use of cortisone to treat an injury, calf for DC and knee for Rokococo. He “thinks” all the paperwork is in order, that is what the Racing doctor has told them anyways.
Why anyone is allowed to get a pass for using cortisone is a big question, if your that fucked with an injury you shouldn’t be playing. Anyone watching Carter from the RWC could see he was only barely held together with sticking tape he was hobbling around the place. Very disappointing if he was playing away week in week out only because of these TUE. Don’t agree with the TUE approach in any form really but somewhat relieved that they aren’t using an asthma type explanation here
Interestingly the tests were done by French anti doping agency the night before the final. Surprise tests and they tested ALL players involved in the final. Not sure iv ever heard of something like that happening before.
Possibly targeting Toulon who have a long track record of bringing in aging overseas stars in their 30s who have a new lease of life in the south of France and a very rich, very machiavellian chairman
We could have Bandage. And we did. When they are writing the history of doping in Rugby, TFK will only be mentioned in the footnotes for our refusal to believe the hype (we will be the Kimmage to someones Walsh). But we’ll know mate. We’ll know.