Drugs in sport (and non sports)

How many doping scandals involving Chinese swimmers have there been over the years? Defo goes back to the 90s at least. And the Chinese never get done. The sport seems to be permanently mired in this stuff.

From 1998. I wonder was there much drugs in swimming in the 1990s. :zipper_mouth_face:

Is ket a banned substance for competing horses?

I heard an interesting story about presenting Percy today cc @BruidheanChaorthainn

Oh ya?


You’d want to be doped up to watch golf.

You’d want to be a dope

Explaining you’re losing.

I actually read that in his funny accent. Why? :person_shrugging:


Did your lips move ?

:sweat_smile: no

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It’s okay Graeme not even your performance thinks you are taking performance enhancement drugs.


What in the good fuck are they testing people for marijuana for?

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They’re blaming the Russians in a surprise move

Kaczmarek right about now

Scared 30 Rock GIF by HULU

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They’d be good on TFK