Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

SF supporters have been complaining about them being asked these questions for as long SF have had a Dail presence.

They complained long and hard when the Paul Quinn case was brought up before the last election.

SF’s answers were not satisfactory.

You’re deflecting.

People aren’t asking for SF not to be asked tough questions.

They are asking for all political parties to get the same treatment.

What you seem to want is the type of censorship you get in far right fascist regimes.

Ah yeah. The anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-choice, pro-Russia poster calls me right wing. I’d take that sort of barb very seriously altogether.

Must be hard when you want to be taken as credible when you’re an irredeemable hypcorite.

Eoghan Harrisesque

Is it Hume or Adams?

You seem terribly confused?

I suppose on the plus side you’re at least not shooting a gun out your bedroom window.

You seem confused.

Have you been banned from GAABoard again?

You really don’t want to talk about your 2014 self now do you?


You’re doing a great job of proving me right here about SF being a cult.

The greatest sin anybody can make in the eyes of a SF supporter is to stop supporting them.

Sends them completely up the wall.

Own it.

You’re very angry at me, aren’t you?

You can sense the genuine hurt feelings there.

Rent free.

Am I?

I think you’re humiliated, I’ve taken away your moral high ground and shown you to be a shallow hypocrite. That’s not a good look when it your unique selling point was you were morally superior, it is in fact the exact opposite. You are the nastiest and most spiteful person on this board.

Ah yeah.


You so mean! Cwy cwy.


You’ve no zen, m8.

Never had to doxx posters from here on Twitter because I couldn’t handle things. You’re too much of the emotional type.


Ah yeah. I’m too emotional.

I suppose at least I never had to go to the bother of setting up a fake Twitter page to fake doxx myself. :laughing:

No. You just decided to goad posters about their wives cancer and then run off and create Twitter accounts doxxing other posters.

Keep the facade up, it’s incredibly convincing.


Oooh, good meme.