Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Ah yeah. I’m too emotional.

I suppose at least I never had to go to the bother of setting up a fake Twitter page to fake doxx myself. :laughing:

No. You just decided to goad posters about their wives cancer and then run off and create Twitter accounts doxxing other posters.

Keep the facade up, it’s incredibly convincing.


Oooh, good meme.

So he lives in Clonskeagh? What a weird thing to get hung up over, it’s minutes down the road.

The lads giving out about Philip Ryan writing a nonsense story about Pearse Doherty’s house will be along any minute now to criticise this poor journalism :grinning:


Irish journalism isn’t in a great place

It’s a textbook example of how they just go with Twitter narratives these days. I’d assume a portion of Clonskeagh is in DBS. It seems like criticising someone for living on the Dublin side of Bray but running in Wicklow.

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the blueshirts were seething that pearse had managed to build more houses than the coalition


And he got to use offshore funds and no one batted an eyelid

better offshore funds than cuckoo funds

Do these parties do any vetting?

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Is that real or satire?

Is she saying Botswana :botswana: is in Eastern Europe?

Fianna Fails very own Violet Ann Wynne

Mannixs to lose at this stage

Is she separated from father of her children? I find it a strange dynamic that a middle aged woman would be house sharing with some randomer and her 2 sons albeit the rent a room relief would put a nice dent in any mortgage.

This By Election is becoming reminiscent of a Presidential election. Skeletons real and otherwise getting booted out of closets all over the shop.

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Jesus !! and to think many urbanites laugh at what rural Ireland elects :joy::joy: