Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

As a resident of leafy D4 I’m ashamed that the Muldoons are laughing up their sleeve at us.

I’m calling this for Bacik

The polls have “Labour” at 2% in the constituency but the bookies have her second favourite.

Have the Greens decided who they are running yet?

The poll was for Dublin as a whole

You’d imagine she’ll get a good boost of transfers from the likes of the Greens and Soc Dems. On the other hand she needs more First Prefs to get ahead of both of those in the first place and to be near or above SF. While she’s a strong candidate - Labour aren’t exactly knocking out of the park in terms of national polls.

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Lynn Boylan will get bigger vote than Andrews but in by election won’t be enough. She’ll get far more votes than Batshit too. It’s between the Greens and Geoghegan for the seat imo

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This by-election will possibly engage 30k in terms of actual voters turning out. They’ve rattled 40k in the 2 previous GE’s.
This time the quota will be 50% of valid turnout plus 1. 15001 or thereabouts. Who has the machinery to outstay all others given that nobody will within an asses roar of a quota in the 1st count.
FG, despite being burdened by a featherweight to outlast all others. Barely.

The system needs to be looked at. It’s very demeaning for a candidate with the bloodlines of Councillor Geoghegan to have to slum it out like this to get elected. Then what awaits but the likes of Danny Healy Rae having a cut at him on Day 1 in parliament. A candidate of his stature should be just ushered into something analogous to a safe seat in the Home Counties with a 15,000-20,000 majority.


I don’t think Andrews will be that keen on her running. Happy enough if she gets close to an election but it’s a risk for him next time out if she gets in. Boylan almost seems to be a spoiler candidate against the Greens and Labour to drag votes away.

Will McDowell run ??

IIRC Chris Andrews in his FF days had the constituency office next to Paddy Power in Ranelagh, a short hop down Charleston Road to the internet cafe in Rathmines he used for his trolling. Not sure where he is based now


Deciding on Friday. It looks like Chu to me based on local numbers. But don’t think she’ll do particularly well in the poll itself.

Let’s hope so
He could cause chaos

I’d have voted for Byrne. If you vote for Chu she could be Independent, SD or the Eco Greens before the year is out.


Agreed. Still a chance for CB but I don’t think she has the local network that Chu has

Team Byrne would want to take a long hard look at themselves…

She’s a fruit loop.