Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

We did it guys

If she’s good company at a wedding as stated on here she provisionally has my vote.

To the Green off-shoots perhaps? Rumoured to be launching this weekend

Will Hazel take the result and put her full support behind the winner, or dare one suggest she goes rogue and runs as some class of an independent ?

Would Hazels profile as Lord Mayor appeal to the citizens of DBS when it comes to voting

She might deflect to people before profit or social Democrats.

What would be Hazel’s natural constituency?

I doubt she can do that after losing this contest. She can’t leave just because she got beaten.

Shouldn’t they be sprouting rather than launching.

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Hazel reminds me somewhat of Robbie Keane, prowling/hatching endlessly waiting to pounce on a loose ball.
Your initial query opens a raft of other suggestions that I’m leaving to the finishers here.

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She’d be as well of staying now and hoping Byrne doesn’t do too well. If she does, a rebrand post election would be an idea.

Fat Felim is no friend of mine,never has been.We fell out properly in 98 when I was back from London for a holiday and went in one Sunday afternoon to town to watch the AI semi final between Kildare and Kerry.So I wandereded up to the lounge bar and asked the fat lad for a pint and would he mind putting on some proper football as the charity shield was on every telly(gurn is a big man yoo fan) and he said maybe after the soccer. So I turned and left my pint on the bar without paying.Ive been there about 3 times since.


Yeah we don’t need a saviour thanks Shane, enjoy the retirement.


Hey Shane get fucked :pint:

Funnily enough I surmised you might’ve been fond of fat Felim, the big fat cunt.
Cc @Rocko .

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Never heard of this Felim chap but at least he has ideas to promote Leitrim abroad, albeit pretty one dimensional ideas.

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I’m actually staying across the road from Gurns atm and his pub looks like a fuckin kip.It hasn’t been painting in nearly 20 years and there is actually a grant to paint your premises but that fat fuck probably got the grant and ate it.Look what you’ve done now @anon67715551 :rage: you’ve awoken my inner seethe regarding the fat lad.


It appears after all that Manor stalwart @Massey isn’t Felim’s election agent. Connollys is the go to spot in Manor btw.

Biddys or Heraghtys theese days