Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

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Some kind of warning before posting that please, it canā€™t be unseen


This campaign is a great prompt to bring in a constitutional amendment to allow the last eliminated candidate from the last GE to take the seat of a departing Deputy .ā€™

This will spare costs and spare the populace having to endure these dullards


They could call it the Bacik amendment.

oddly a few people on bikes groups were going to support bakic but some oddball nimby labour councilor means they wont

Those pictures are very football sticker album-esque. Iā€™d love it if there was a Panini sticker album for each General Election. Love it. It would capture the imagination of the young people. ā€œHave, have, have, donā€™t have, Iā€™ll swap ya Pascal Donoghue if ya swap me Verona Murphy and Thomas Pringleā€. Lads all over the country would walk home from school blissfully unaware they were wearing a sticker of ā€œSimon Harris - Fine Gael - Wicklowā€ or ā€œMichael Fitzmaurice - Independent - Roscommon/South Leitrimā€ slapped on their backs.

A World Cup '90 style binder would be even better, with sections dedicated to events and personalities of elections past. Great election controversies, recounts, election slogans, posters and logos, behind the scenes with the tallymen/women, behind the scenes of RTEā€™s television coverage.

I think six months notice for any future General Election should be given just so this idea can come to fruition.

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Iā€™d feel a lot safer if the person who baked those was locked up


What a weird story

Very sinister

The party of law and order wanting to shoot planners now.

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Didnā€™t they get all uppity about a similar jokish quote that the shinners made about the indo

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Two wrongs and all that. Weā€™ve all said weā€™d metaphorically shoot someone from time to time.

And theyā€™re off.

Election Day confirmed for Thursday, July 8th.

James out to evens from 1/3

Lynn into 7/4 from 7/1

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I think the Greens one will finish above Batshit.


Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn - Iā€™m on at 11/2

Fellas who got in early have a decent hedge option with Geoghegan now