Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Christ this chap is even more unfunny than most of the cunts on Twitter

A large cohort of the electorate in Dublin Bay South are aloof and arrogant and with good reason. She’s a really strong candidate to run in that constituency.

The lady was funny at the end

Would they be Mount Sion or Ballygunner ???

Eddie O’Sullivan mustn’t be too far off properly joining the INTERNET brain rot brigade. Una has triggered him something fierce with her opinion article today. He’s still only a sort of supermarket value Eddie Hobbs or George Hook at the moment, but by jesus he’s trying hard to change that. I still think his essential terminal dullness will just about prevent him making the step up.

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fierce bang of desperation off that note


Si Harris looks so weird/wrong in his civilian clothes. It’s like when you’re 7 and you see your teacher in a non-school setting, wearing casual clothes. It’s just shocking and a little bit frightening too.


Simon is a bigger unit than I expected. Little Jimmy has a pair of chicken legs on him. I’d say he never exercised in his life.

If Si lets his hair grow out a bit more he’ll look like Maureen Lipman.



Is he getting a bit of a gut ??

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Bacik 1/3
Geoghegan 2/1

Don’t mention Teachers in here, god knows what you could start. :slight_smile:

Geoghegan is getting camper with every day

Squeaky bum time for @artfoley with Bacik set to romp home :popcorn:

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Mate, anyone shocked or frightened by a picture of Simon Harris is, dare I say it, a bigger dweeb than he is.

bacik to provide us with an election moment like the hillary(ous) one from 2016

si and james indicating that they will revert to the TFK solution to all problems in an attempt to breathe life into james’ election prospects

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This Geoghegan chap hasn’t the look of a TD about him. He looks like a lad you’d come across in Woodies or the like masquerading as an expert in wallpaper.