Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Every Mullally column is some derivation of “My mates with degrees in Native American Feminist Art can’t buy a house in Dublin and were also mildly inconvenienced by The Bernard Shaw moving to the Northside so FFG are evil and want to eat the poor”. That said, Si Harris has lost his unlikely sex symbol status out of his work clothes so won’t sway any housewives on the fence.



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Interesting that Labour are now a fully centre right party picking up FFG scraps. They seem to have lost all their appeal in working class constituencies who haven’t forgot them propping up FFG austerity.


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I don’t see a future for them really. They rely on a few candidates with a strong brand locally now. They have lost all their roots with what was a traditional working class base. Even though they are tipped to do well in DBS, they are polling a lot better in affluent middle class areas of the constituency than what would have been their normal base in the more working class areas.

A party which tries to market itself as left but is toxic to the working class voting base due to the past records of enforcing FFG policy and reneging on election promises.

so harris is essentially arguing that if we want to get rid of this shite govt, then all we have to do is not vote for james?

It’s a direct appeal to FG voters in the constituency who are considering voting for Bacik this time. Based on the poll, up to near half of Baciks support may be coming from such voters

Is it not the Greens Bacik is getting her votes from according to the polls in terms of a swing from General election?


So in essence and giving the poll credibility:

FG -1%
Labour +14%
SF -3%
Greens -11%
FF -4%

Harris is trying to interfere with a TFK namechange bet. It’s an affront to democracy.


I think the election turnout will be around 35% as opposed to 52% for the general election.

I voted for K Humphreys in the GE and going for C Byrne in this one. I’m the local @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy contrarian. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@tallback will stoop to any level to try and avoid his new username of either fragrantkate or ivanaseat

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Who will get your second preference?

Geoghegan needs a lot of first preference ahead of Bacik and hope Boylan can pip Bacik.

Where will the Greens transfers go?

I’d probably go Bacik ahead of JG. And I’m an establishment shill :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, albeit one radicalised by TFK. In typical bye-election fashion it’s time to give the government a bloody nose. The polls show the second preferences will favour Bacik over JG though not as emphatically as one might think. If Boylan is second last to be eliminated her transfers should seal it for Bacik.

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Aontu for me.

Yes, there’s some very curious stances here on this bye-election. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is an Aontu supporter. Odd that he seems to be backing the IRA/SF candidate. I would have thought of the front runner that Councillor Geoghegan’s socially conservative views would mirror most closely those of Aontu.

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Aontu are econimically socialist republican party.

FG are a right wing capitalist political party.