Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Dreadful, shameless campaigning. I’ve backed the useless cunt at 2/1 because I think the value is irresistible but that’s a shocking dimnuition of political standards. Even those fuckers in FF wouldn’t have sunk to that.

Or maybe…….


@anon67715551 I am old enough to remember CJH Holohan would have been a non entity if he was around now we wouldn’t have heard of him.


Ain’t that the truth. CJH would have pushed ahead with business interests like hospitality and the interests of the common man, porter and sporting and cultural occasions. While there’s a whiff of the scallywag from his grave there’s no denying his great leadership and entrepreneurial skills.


He was a European heavyweight, going toe to toe with Maggie and Mitterrand. Paddy gets very worked up over a bit of mild corruption that he’d have engaged in himself if he had the gumption


There’s a lovely sentence in the Scrap Saturday CD of Morgan musing a’la CJH at a World summit “ There was of course President Bush and Chairman Gorbachev, Chancellor Kohl and erm, Myself and President Mitterrand and ……… “

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In hindsight we didn’t deserve CJH
He should have been head of state in some European powerhouse


Talkback/Paddy C on tenterhooks this morning!

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When will the first count be announced?

Having a well earned break from the forklift today guys?

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Should be useful once the boxes are opened


Chilling. Not a normal party.


447 votes tallied

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Looks like the end of Geoghegans political career. Surely they won’t run him in the next general election.

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FF are in for a shocker today id say. Looks like batshit is gonna win this.

FF’s social media campaign looks to have been a major hit.

Bacik seems to have focused her campaign on radical feminsm.

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FF will be doing well to poll 7/8%.

FG not running O’Connell is going to be the big story now when Bacik wins easily

that utter cunt Flynn

70% for people in favour of the strand road bike lane - huzzah

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