Dublin Bay South By Election - Anyone but Mannix

Fine Gael taking an all-island approach to campaigning.

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Very quiet at Beggars Bush polling station. More people sitting outside enjoying the sun than there is inside. I’d predict a <40% turnout.

What time do the polling booths close at?


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Up to 43% there now.

Should be close to general election turnout

John Kilraine on RTE News at 9 was highlighting the impressive turnout in comparison to the last couple of by-elections (turnouts <30%) against the backdrop of the pandemic. But no real insight as to who that might favour.

Will there be a 10.30 exit poll?

“The teatime rush”

Looks good for Boylan

The Fine Gael voters wouldn’t be home from work yet.


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How do they know a big Sinn Fein vote is out? Did they just judge by anyone who wore a tracksuit or had a tattoo and assume they were SF voters?

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They’re getting savaged online for that.

Sandy mount up 8 should cancel that out with interest

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Toss Brady’s comrade with his €0.02 worth.

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Big Shinner turn out I believe

Think they might have a secret database that matches addresses to likely voters :grinning:

I’m no fan of either party but if that’s all FG have to offer in terms of a motive for people to vote for them, they’re a fucking disgrace


If the turn out finished up as low as the pace during the day, chances are SF are the only ones who managed to rally the troops.

Do we have an exit poll? Doubt it for a by election

Assune social distancing will chaos havoc for the tally men