Dublin Zoo

It’s in Cork

You’re better than that.

The animals in Dubliz Zoo are crammed into tiny cages and are miserable … They have open spaces in Fota to roam… and you can see the big cats being fed


Fota is decent but lacks the high quality of dublin zoo. Cark lads lose the run of themselves because youre allowed mix freely with some of the less harmful animals and the rodents. Its like a large petting zoo with out the petting.


Cork people are weird

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It’s hard to make out what their saying but usually its bitching about Dublin and how it’s not cark. The occasion up de rebels is yelled.

Worth going to see. Major attraction in Dublin zoo. The poor dubs dont get much exposure to the corconians. The zoo keeps them in the pen where the polar bears used to be.

The breed of cork person in the zoo at the moment is a norrie. Typically found wearing a tracksuit around the social welfare office on the norrhside of cork city in when in the wild. Not to be confused with the west cork breed who have a sense of entitlement and smell of artisan food