Dubs 1 Muldoons 0

Final score

Stick to the fishing lads leave the stick hurling to the experts.




Galway hockeyed de duds today lads

This is a turning point for the Duds - it’ll be all spud-hockey from Malahide to Monkstown in 20 years.

Money talks

Time to split Dublin hurlers in two.

Maybe when they make a Leinster Final

It did a lot of talking when them auditors called into the Galway County Board.


We must be more Orish than you? We comfortably bate you at the stick hurling, ?

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What was the score in the stick hurling?


What was the full time score?

Only proper Oiriish hurl according to yourself.

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The internets confusing you tonight mate😁

Fuck up you pretend West Brit cunt.

Well played fantapants

This victory will really add to the Bloomsdsy celebrations

Was Buff chatsnapping this game?

No Buff rightly focused on the historic Kerry vs Offaly relegation decider

FFS sake. He’s a disgrace.