Dundee v Celtic :Shamrock:

Unchanged team. Thought Bitton and Welsh wouldn’t make it.

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Seems like a while since we’ve had an unchanged team? Good to see. Bench is looking stronger.

3-0 Celtic

Is there an international break coming up now?

Yup. Next game is the league cup semi 20th

Oh you say it was an accident…

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Oh why did you do it?
Have you not the guts to say?

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Fans or Higgins
Balls in your court Nicholson

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What a player Ralston is.


lovely hit

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He looks lively, where did they get him from?

Charlie Adam looks 50

Ralston with a lovely cross. Kyogo heads it home.

Very easy today.

Nice finish


Smashing cross and that’s a nice header. Wasn’t sure if Kyogo had that in his game or not. Ralston and Abada have a great understanding.

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Fuck it

Bust up too

Fuck that. Need to stop those crosses coming in