Early Risers Club - A sneak peek into Corkie’s work practises

Priorities :wink:


These ceilings I’m at currently etc haven’t been done in years
But 2 good coats and the stipples looking :eyes: goidy

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Be careful. Some of them lld ones have asbestos in them apparently. Lad i know went to get work done and had to change ceiling. Ended up wirh some specialist company in ppe hanging round his kitchen for a week. Cost him plenty.

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Not mine.


A friend had it on the ceiling of kitchen/dining room in a 1980s house. They put lats over it and painted white. Turned out fine.


That’s a new one on me
But thanks
I’ll be wary in future
But it’s been yrs since I scraped one down
( destroys the house unless totally hoovered immediately- walk around the gaff and you’ll destroy the gaff)

Really? Google it. Some interesting reading…

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Thanks boy
FFS I didn’t expect that tbh

If the North or the Romanian cuisine didn’t kill ya, you’ll live until you’re 100.

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Dont be sanding any of those ceilings anyway.

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Ciorba da vacuta :romania::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

Northern stuff too unhealthy tbh

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Did loads over the years
Plus we were stripping/ demolishing roofs/ buildings in the late 70s full of the bloody stuff,
Actually painted a shed ( side wall) last year in an old house- bloody asbestos sheeting

Isn’t that fuckin terrible lads. Up since six and wide awake. Only one answer. A gallon of porter tonight


Id a fair few pints last night. Went to bed at half one and im still up now. It’ll be a swim in the sea, and a sauna for me.

Im after a cup of coffee there. Im tipping back to Limerick with the father today. Taking the uncle out for a bit of grub. Going to be rough enough. The two of them are still very much grieving since their brother passed suddenly back in March.


Lonesome time of year for many.

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It is and the first Christmas always seems to be the hardest