Early Risers Club - A sneak peek into Corkie’s work practises

Be dead long enough

Ah, I’m much more productive altogether if i get up early and hit the gym. Mrs J reckons I’m sounder too. Win win.

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Definitely. Only issue struggling to get to sleep at night so operating off 4 hours a night past week or so.

Hasnt yet but could take a toll.

When that happens i try to get one night a week where i can hit the hay really really early. One good long sleep puts a lot in the bank if you can get to sleep.

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U got your beauty sleep

Sorry boss. On it now

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Slipping kid

You’re pushing it kid


No such thing as banking sleep kid.


Just getting up now. Did i miss anything?

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You’ve a nice bit of sleep banked there


Taes gone cold

Actually watching paint dry🙄

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Nice handy one this morning


Missed a spot

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What did you do with that?
Just paint over it?
Will it last?

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Missed a whole wall
Manky shagging place

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Anti mould paint
2 coats
2 too coats
2 more tomorrow

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