Eddie halvey

Ireland is still a banana republic, at least if you did the same in the UK you’d get time. They even sent Lester Piggott to jail over there for tax fraud, over here you’d just get a seat in the Seanad for something like that.

in court today
a suspended sentence & a 7 year driving ban

yeah hope vinny goes for the jugular on this one, was just looking up the RTA and the shocking thing about this is that causing death by dangerous driving carries the same penalties as manslaughter so for a 7 month suspended sentence to be handed down in shocking

if the lads in the island wanted to get back onside with the people of limerick then a little visit to halvey’s house not be remiss

on browne now

yates true colours showed- he dismissed the story to talk about Jordan

I think Halvey was only convicted of drink driving and careless driving. There was no charge of ‘drink driving causing death’ as such. Drink driving causing death is supposed to carry a mandatory 5 year penalty so I assume if he was convicted of that he’d get that.

Absolute joke sentence, don’t know why the DPP didn’t bring the other charge. I suppose a civil action is all that’s open to the family now.

This was always on the cards unfortunately. The DPP dropped the original charge of dangerous driving causing death last year and im not sure why it was reinstated, something to do with evidence that had emerged, but i think it was more because of both the public uproar and the young lads familys reaction of horror.

When some lad drunk to twice the legal limit drives right over a parked car in his jeep killing someone, youd wonder what further information or evidence the DPP would need or would be waiting for.

A disgrace.

Just reading the reports on this in the papers today. There doesn’t seem to be any reason offered as to why he wasn’t before the courts on a charge of dangerous driving causing death. Would some sort of plea bargaining have gone on in the background, where he said I’ll plead guilt for a lesser charge? Or have I been watching too many U.S. cop shows?

excuse my ignorance, but who is eddie halvey? Is he famous ? Or just some bloke who’s well connected.

I heard a small bit on the radio this morning about it but wasnt sure of the context.I did hear mick galway went in as a character witness.

The Irish judiciary sytem needs some serious regulation when you see such a lassez faire attitude to justice. you kill someone by your own negligence and you get fuck all jail time

[quote=“josepi73”]excuse my ignorance, but who is eddie halvey? Is he famous ? Or just some bloke who’s well connected.

I heard a smal bit on the radio this morning about it but wasnt sure of the context.I did hear mick galway went in as a character witness.

The Irish judiciary sytem needs some serious regulation when you see such a lassez faire attitude to justice. you kill someone by your own negigence and you get fuck all jail time[/QUOTE]

He has played rugby for Munster and Ireland

Christ that’s a shocking outcome. There should be uproar over this.

appeal to the court of criminal appeal due to lenient sentence DPP has to bring it though

The DPP didn’t even want to bring the original charges forward so I’d say there isn’t much hope of that.

i realise but thats about all can be done. sirely theres a civil case in the offing?

[quote=“north county corncrake”]his sentence seems very lenient

no jail time for been drunk & crashing into a kid & killing him

seems very light

fley-whats the norm for this?[/QUOTE]

Good man NCC,shit like this should be highlighted,this Country is a disgrace when well heeled cunts like Halvey can get away with manslaughter of an innocent fella,ive been following this for a long timwe,the long and short of it was that he was locked drunk driving,had a row with his woman who got out of his jeep in the middle of nowhere while he continued on to mow into a car that was stopped in a lay-by at around 6am in the morning,thats the jist of it if memory serves correctly,a man i know from Thomastown was hauled off to jail in cuffs last Week for fiddling his tax bills,Halveys offence is a hundred times worse.

The bould Eddie likes to party too…

i think waht turned the case was the fact that the car he crashed into was parked on a bend so drunk or not he wouldnt have avoided it. but whos to know

Should I be reading between the “lines” there?

I believe the car was parked in the hard shoulder with the hazard lights on. Due to loose livestock ahead. But shur I suppose they should have expected a scuttered, washed-up Munster player to be driving from Limerick to Dublin on the hard shoulder. The prick went ballistic at the scene aswell. Don’t you know who I am?

You have it on the nose.

THe whole case stunk from start to finish. The rugby old boys circle is still alive and well.