Eddie halvey

that is a disgusting comment you horrible little bastard, what the fuck is wrong with you??


Horrible thing for you to say

he is a really sick fuck

@ChocolateMice is reaching for the white vestments when @HBV has a go at him.

Bizarre and nasty comment. Why are you being such a horrible cunt today did you have a bad weekend or something.


Halvey the uucoam will be back behind the wheel this year, will he not?

Think you logged back in with the wrong account @anon59781749


can’t be easy getting up on a Monday with fuckall to do for another week and no money to spend


is he unemployed now?

Fair enough but no need to round upsetting lads because he has fuck all else to do. I won’t be putting up with this much longer. I know of 2 old ladies he burgled in the mid 90s out in corbally. He took all their jewellery from one of their bedrooms and gave it all to Mickey Kelly for £50. Fuck sake.
I’ll go to the guards about the cunt. It sickens me that iv sponsored his ‘education’ in recent years. And now he thinks it ok to go round upsetting me. Prick.

are you serious?

Ye. 50 pound he gave it all away for.

that is actually unreal

Just looking back at this case in light of the Kyle Hayes sentence. Eddie halvey got a suspended sentence for killing a teenage boy in a car crash. Mick galway, one of those munster ‘’ legends ‘’ gave a character reference for someone who was blind drunk.

Did galway get the same abuse and media inspection John kiely is now receiving?


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At least as bad.