Eddie halvey

Really? Donā€™t remember it being like this?
Isnā€™t he still idolised as a munster great and regularly interviewed for a soundbite when thereā€™s a big match on?
Kiely didnā€™t plead for someone drunk driving that killed a 16 year old.

And Kiely will be too.

I have no idea, but he certainly was derided more than JK was on here at least, and Iā€™m pretty sure in general.

No. Heā€™s a known pariah and lerk living in a box room in Steamboat Quay as the missus fucked him off. Current pastimes involving pawing at young ones. He has also taken his final form

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There is very little warmth, if any at all, towards the cunt

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Jesus. Thats a clamping

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Donal Og and Mickey Harte are still revered after giving character references to paedos and rapists

Id hope so as untended as such. I remember looking up to the cunt when i was a kid training on the back pitch of thomond park and he was senior captain. Presented me with a medal one year.

Sickens me to think i held him in any regard than what he truly is.

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Does mick Galway not live in Kilkenny ?

Back and forth as was coaching down there.

Think involved with castleisland team too for a while or somewhere out that way


When was the last time you saw Galwey interviewed regularly?

This is a very strange comparison to be drawing, you must be pretty desperate if Halvey and Galwey are what youā€™re measuring Hayes and Kiely against.

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How good a player was Eddie Halvey? I heard some say he was better than Wallace.

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Un fucking real good. Unreal. He was the best of that backrow by a distance. Tonnes of stories about how good he was. Even in London Irish, when he was at end of career and still partying it up, have heard stories of how they couldnt believe what he was capable of.

Unfortunately, he was drawn to the party life and off the pitch was always around some cunts who hung out of him.

Hes in Dublin these days, nice bird etc. Thi k.he has a son on the limerick gaelic team but goes under his mothers surname

Eddie was an unreal talent and from.the few interactions i had with him, he was likeable. But ultimately a fucking idiot and he should have done time


I knew little about the case bar somebody who should know told me the evidence of witnesses didnā€™t tally up with the forensics or examination of the scene which is why he got off lightly but that still isnā€™t right in my opinion.

He was two times over the limit and I presume the limit was way higher back then and presumably speeding as well. Got 7 months suspended. That seems incredible really now and sad.

The Halo certainly disappeared very quickly off Mick Galweys head after he backed his former teammate. He used to be revered but that whole episode cast a long dark shadow on his legacy.

Mick has his own demons which Iā€™d imagine have a lot more to do with his lack of public profile.

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Rory Best didnt come out of his high profile support court case well either. No harm. Lads might think twice about them going forward.

Kielyā€™s legacy is certainly tainted, and Iā€™d say he knows it too.

Very amusing the way lads get all worked up over character references but wax lyrical about the likes of Colm Parkinson who actually assaulted somebody.


Josh Ryan.

Yeah Kielys legacy will be tarnished. He seems to have different moral compasses depending on whether youā€™re an All star or merely a panel member. In his role working with young people you dont want to be perceived to be condoning beating people to a pulp and having double standards.