Eddie halvey

I think it’s quite a common phenomenon lads who are good at sports can struggle to develop socially like others or see the reality of the world .Bad behaviour is excused all the way up , whether it be with teachers, girlfriends etc . They never learn to develop past their sporting persona and it ultimately can lead to a really tough later life.


Thats a pretty good synopsis.

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I’d say he’s absolutely disgusted he had to do it. As a teacher, I’d imagine he loathes that sort of cuntology, but had no option but to back him. Its cut away at part of his soul you’d feel.

Groupthink doesn’t stop at young athletes being told how great they are constantly. You can bet nobody from Kielys inner circle inside Limerick hurling advised against this either. Nor have they since told him he shouldn’t have done it.

He was going along nicely and it was pure vanilla until he got pulled up by barrister about why then Hayes didn’t plead guilty if he was so aware of his actions . Then it went to shit .


Better than David Wallace? I never saw Halvey play but surely that’s hyperbole? If he was that good he’d have been capped more than 8 times for a poor Ireland team. A different sport obviously but Paul McGrath was running the show in Aston Villa’s defence while drinking heavily.

Firstly, different positions. But in terms of raw ability, skill and athleticism, Halvey before Wallace. He was incredible.

McGrath stuck to the sauce. That wasn’t eddie’s only vice

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For what’s it’s worth I heard plenty say the same. He was meant to be just an incredibly naturally gifted athlete.

Kiely didn’t speak up for a drunk driver who had killed someone’s son.
Big difference to an albeit serious kicking that happens every weekend all over the country.

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Yes. His kids play hurling and camogie with o loughlins.

He was a brilliant, brilliant player. All the talent in the world. As somebody said earlier likeable enough sort too in general but like a lot of lads prone to giving it the big licks when after a few drinks.


Halvey had it all on the pitch, but nothing off it. He could have been an Irish great but was a cunt and more interested in getting wasted.

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His wife was the Chairperson of the Camogie club until the one club model was adopted and she’s now the current secretary of OLG overall.

Halvey had so much athleticism, great line out jumper

What type of skills could he perform to lead to that kind of description?? That sounds like your describing David Campese or serge blanco or someone

I’m trying to remember dates but in around 2001 he destroyed stade francais as a part timer. He had turned down a pro contract around then but got a call up for a knockout game and destroyed everyone… It might have been Toulouse actually. But he was an animal


The players were always there in Irish rugby Id say; just the set up was a crock of shit until Gatland.

He was lightening fast, strong as a fucking ox and was brilliant at reading the game. He uncanny sense of knowing where he needed to be. Brilliant ball carrier and well able mix it at the breakdown.

He had it all and wasted it

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A load of Limerick lads could have been international greats but were too working class

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Wasn’t he in a bit of bother before the ‘accident’