She married a grand big lass a while back.
Just checked, she has a ‘wife’. Fuck me.
Surely you would only end up in this tent listening to these if you were too baked to move? Or standing in out of the rain?
Al Porter is fucking hilarious in fairness.
There would be so much variety on show you could find yourself anywhere enjoying music you wouldn’t dream of going to hear. The beauty of EP really.
A woman saying “my wife” doesn’t sound right
Now we’re talking…
These lads specialise in AM gigs. Bit one trick pony but good for a party.
Lol was just thinking…
Fuck me but that’s some shite.
A few fat lads in white tee shirts lashing out stuff off a computer.
Beats, pal. Beats.
Sound is shite
RTE issue?
One lad has his head on upside down.
Dude at the front is off his tits, the lucky cunt.
The oul one in the pink top
National TV head rolling like a dog in the back of car
i know