End the Lockdown - Plans for Resistance, Plans for Change

It ended over a year ago.


The headbangers spent two years telling us the whole thing was a GUBMINT conspiracy to implement Chinese style control and surveillance over populations.

None of them have ever admitted to being hilariously wrong.

Oh the ironing.

I met a lad who was in HK during Covid times. Said if you were in a public place like a gym and somebody there tested positive all your phone access codes turned to red and it was 3 weeks compulsory home time. No exceptions. Every trip out risked a 3 week lockdown.

It’s also complete nonsense. I bought into the lockdown nonsense for a week or two, but was man enough to admit my error

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What’s ironic? You’re a Fine Gael supporter. Are you telling us that Fine Gael were in on a conspiracy to impose permanent Chinese style control and surveillance over populations?

The only reason to object to my previous post is if you genuinely believe Fine Gael and the rest of the Irish government wanted that.

Their memory of covid is incredible. They remember pints, lunches and gyms but not the thousands dying daily and health systems on the verge of collapse in developed countries all over the world.

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You were hilariously wrong about case numbers being the only metric and not how sick it made you.

My HK anecdote was just an anecdote.

I’m not a Fine Gael supporter. I’m a social liberal.

The revisionism of these cunts is actually genuinely fucking disgusting. Insane shite. They genuinely think public servants and politicians should be locked up for trying to protect their populations from a deadly pandemic.

It’s QAnon level stuff.

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Nazis. The lot of them.

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Their take on covid is based purely on how it affected them as individuals oblivious to the impact it had on others. They’re angry their ‘freedom’ to go for a pint or go to the gym was trumped by another person’s right to live. Bit like the people who went to the effort of standing on their doorstep clapping for NHS workers and are now lambasting them for striking to get better pay and conditions. They should be pitied.

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You denied your child a birthday card you headbanger. I don’t think youre in any position to get up on a soapbox.


A lot of this is driven by extremely angry know nothings who are very vocal on Twitter but have zero ideas for fixing any of society’s problems and zero understanding of the world beyond the desire to raise their own profiles.

The Ewans and the Parkys and the Gary Dempseys of this world. People who unironically shout about the bogeyman of “WOKE”, thinking they aren’t coming across as unhinged conspiracy theorists and mentalists.

Moan moan moan, whinge whinge whinge, always about things they have zero comprehension of.

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They were furious the advice of the likes of Josh Rogan and Tommy Robinson was ignored. They were apoplectic when decision makers instead went with the advice of medical professionals while those championing horse dewormer as a treatment were ignored also.

Are you still wearing the oul mask mike?

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What % of people who took the vaccine had no adverse reactions to it?

Define adverse?

No idea but that’s a different question. Everyone who got vaccinated should have had some reaction for a day or two, otherwise the vaccine did nothing. This topic is longer term damage from the vaccine continuing to make spike protein and it spreading around the body in the blood stream, something we were assured would not happen.

But the lad who assured us that this couldn’t happen made $18 million in 2021, and the “grifters” who warned of longer term safety concerns were told to STFU and banned from social media.

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It’s literally at the bottom of my post.


Morto for Julio…… :rofl: