End the Lockdown - Plans for Resistance, Plans for Change

Ok, last night the government announced some insane new restrictions. The government’s approach is illogical and lacks any long-term strategy. They are blaming and punishing the public for their own failures. Currently all the major parties support these new measures, including the complete banning of spectators at sporting events, which is an utterly nonsensical policy.

The people are voiceless and there’s a risk that as they struggle for their rights they will be driven into the arms of the far-right.

I want to start a new political movement that will challenge the lockdown and give people a democratic option in this country that is reasonable, non-sensationalist and mature.

The party will accept that some restrictions are currently necessary but that all restrictions must be: 1. logical; and 2. proportionate to the risk. This is not currently the case.

It will be the party’s position that it can never be logical or proportionate for the country to continue indefinitely in a restricted half-life in the absence of any realistic long-term strategy of how the crisis will end and it will be the party’s position that the current measures are so severe as not to amount to “living with the virus”. The party will oppose all scare-mongering and call for better communication with the public. The party will call for more detail and improved questioning of the information being provided to the public.

My aims are incredibly ambitious, some would say unrealistic. I want to run a candidate under the “End The Lockdown Party” banner in every constituency in the country in the next General Election.

To do that we will need to register as a political party and to register as a political party we will need 300 members, half of whom are on the registrar of voters.

I have commissioned a professional graphic designer to create a party emblem and hopefully it will be ready for next Monday. I will be creating a Facebook page, hopefully as soon as the party emblem is finished.

The party’s first and most difficult task will be the drive to 300 members so that we can register as a political party. If I could get 20+ members from this site, that would be a great start. I will let you know when the party registrar of members is up and running.

I think that if people went into a ballot box knowing nothing about the party and they saw “End the Lockdown Party” on the ballot sheet then the party would win a lot of votes and if we can register as a party then I genuinely expect to win seats.

Anyone who wants to post questions here please do so but you can PM me also.

Go raibh maith agaibh a chomrádaithe agus ádh mór oraibh.

You should send that on to Gemma

You truly are a pointless waste of space.

Just don’t send the invite over Twitter.

What happens when the lock down ends?

A party he said

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The group disbands

If I was elected to represent your party I would want to be in the Dáil long enough to claim my pension entitlements and other cushy benefits

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Do I get to keep my TD salary?

That’s at least 5 years away

I didn’t read any of that but can you let me know where the party is taking place?


I just thought of something. @artfoley if I start a party called End The Lockdown will it effect my chances of getting a cushy job in the civil service?

only if its linkable to you…

remember that justice are watching social media

I just saw the first prototypes for the group logo. You lads won’t fucking believe how good it looks. You fellas will soon have bumper stickers of it.

You should get Charles O Carroll Kelly involved

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I’d say you’ll have to sweeten the deal to attract the top posters. Maybe offer them a junior ministry or a cushy senior civil servant job.

Where is the party taking place? I have had a busy week and could do with a session


I also have .png format files for putting over other images or profile pics if you want them. The guy that designed these does a lot of work for the GPA and he’s top of his field. Pricey but I’m very happy with them.