Ending the era of anonymous profiles

This is a controversial issue, but one that could shift society in a more positive direction, in the internet age. There are more and more children committing suicide as a result of online trolls, blackmail plots, in addition to racists and extremists from both sides of the political spectrum causing severe emotional distress to humans in the public eye. Yes, we would give up some of our privacy as human beings online, but perhaps for the greater good. Not all platforms of course would agree to it’s implementation, but if the mainstream sites like tiktok, fb, insta and ideally twitter would buy in, it would cover a great deal of the western population online at the very least. It could be implemented in a manner that perhaps one’s identity could only be sought by police to begin with, and an agreement between the US and the EU to designate every being a secure online identity number, tied to your social security number. It sounds 1984ish. I believe that eventually it will become a thing, but as a society, are we willing to take an early hard hit (like Ireland announcing the smoking ban) and do something to try and reduce the levels of online hate?