Energy Crisis

An engineer, of course greens wouldn’t listen to any of them.


This solution would work but filled with environmental risk!

Spirit of Ireland - Wikipedia.

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I don’t know what this is supposed to mean. In any case, try reading the article again. There’s nothing in it denying climate change.

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Climate.ate. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

the author in the past he has denied climate change

file under crank & take a long hard look at yourself

so far we have
Its costs to much compared to Europe
Wind energy wont work

whats next guys? Eamon grows lettuce?

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Have you taken up English as a second language recently?

If you also could address any of the salient engineering points rather than windmilling about climate change it would be appreciated :+1:t2:


Great to see eamon stand up to the oil companies today

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great news

Lads surely be able to handle €3.

I’ve filled up the tank


What about the 15k he paid for the solar panels?


Paid? He’s a Dub, he robbed them off a fella down the road on the M7.

Did you buy a €3 All Cash? You won’t have it next week

A full tank will last me a good while.

Are many of ye on the smart meter and have ye noticed much difference

Ah you can save up so. I wish I had that problem

I spent the savings on sausage rolls