Energy Crisis

Iā€™m afraid youā€™ve reached this weekā€™s quota for bot interactions

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yes, thats been dealt with already and i was widely praised for my response

keep up dunce


Are you in cahoots with wind farm fat cats ?


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Why are we paying so much?

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The wind farm fat cats @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is in cahoots with

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To get them.built

Some bad maths there @ceist. You say in the first case if the average consumption is 12,000kWh per year, it will power 3 million homes. Then when you are corrected to say the average consumption per year is 4,300kWh per year, you say it will power 697,674 homes

Whats the real answer? :man_shrugging:

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Thank you for pointing that out, Gman. There was indeed an error in my response. Based on the average household consumption of 4,300 kWh per year in Ireland, 3GW of renewable energy could potentially power around 697,674 homes. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

The use of ā€œauctionā€ there seems to be wilfully misleading

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Is any island Nation utilising Tidal powered energy production at all?

Why is Ireland building so many Wind Farms on the East Coast?

Surely the West Coast being open to the Atlantic is a better source of Wind?

Can probably sell it easier with inter connectors all on the east coast

Sell itā€¦

Self sufficiency is a long way away Iā€™m guessing

They already steal our water, theyā€™re not getting our wind.

I assume that when we have an over supply at particular times and the fact we canā€™t store it means they want the option of being able sell that excess energy into the European market.

Swap it for gas from Russia

The problem with wind energy is youā€™ll have none half the time and too much the other half of the time. Weā€™ll sell our wind to France and England and theyā€™ll sell their nuclear to us.

Thereā€™s a huge project planned for Wales that seems very interesting. Need a bay with a massive tidal range. We have a few but your talking massive money to build it

My assumption was the Irish Sea is shallower so it was easier to put them there.

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