ENGLAND Supporters Thread

Such things are rare here .


ITV have gotten great mileage out of Bittersweet Symphony for their England coverage

I’d bet @Cicero_Dandi thinks these Bulgarian lads are sound

I just hope @ChairmanDan, the media and all their friends are as vocal the next time an English stadium goes to town on James McClean

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One can support the England football team and the IRA

I knew at least three different lads who did

One of them was actually in the IRA

Declan Rice?

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To only deepen the point, there was an incongruity to England supporters so quickly going from “you racist bastards” to songs about “10 German bombers” and “No Surrender to the IRA”.

We all owe the English a great debt for defeating the Nazis in the Second World War and in more recent times defeating the IRA terrorists.

Russia saved us all from the Nazis.

Godwins law at play again here.

Banter or racism ?

Taking credit for the Russian work now?



I was reading there that over 11,000 members of the Kurdish Syrian Defence Forces died in the fight against ISIS

6 US soldiers died

Taking credit for a fight that was won for you rather than by you, by people you perceive as beneath you, is a very right-wing, white, Anglo-American thing


Battle of Britain won the war.

The Russians won it. Classless as ever trying to take credit for others work. You are the Tony Leen of this forum.


That’s a wonderful reference :smile:

My granny worked in London and Northampton as a midwife during the Blitz and she was of the opinion that that was not the case at all

I think every historian worthy of the name would be in agreement with her on that

One thing that amuses me about the notion that “the Battle of Britain won the war” is that it is based on the presumption that the British would not have been able to mount a fightback had the Germans actually invaded

Britain was on the right side during the war but in terms of actually doing the winning of the war it was a peripheral player at best

While it did stand alone for a time at the start of the war, it also appeased Nazism in the run up to it and stood idly by as the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia

There was also a significant body of opinion within the British government in 1940, led by the Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax, to come to a settlement with Hitler

While the Soviets also appeased the Nazis, it is an undeniable fact of history that they took on by far the heaviest load in terms of doing the real heavy lifting that actually broke the Nazis and won the war

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They are the nation with the second highest rate of population decline in the world. Lithuania has the highest. They are shit at football too. Bulgaria is literally dying on its feet. The anti immigration nut jobs don’t tell you that. We were shit at football to in the 40s and 50s when all the youngsters were leaving and no one was coming into the country.

Have we soccer pitches set up beside Direct Provision centres?