ENGLAND Supporters Thread

Is the racial abuse received by penalty missers not a bit overblown seeing as it’s likely to be a handful of teenagers and/or sad bastard wums? What percentage of the messages sent to sako or rashford on social media would have been racist abuse I wonder? I’d say vast vast majority strongly supportive. It’s the same when you hear about the ‘stick they’ll get in the media’. In reality they’ll get almost none.

Out of a population of 56 million, it’s an unfortunate but sad reality that there’ll be a few yobs who will engage in that disgusting type of racial abuse. I’d imagine it’s a very minute minority but they’ll inevitably get the headlines

This lad ain’t too young

True but I presume he’s been well and truly (and correctly) cancelled for it. I’ve no doubt there’s a lot of racist ‘not really english’ type views held out there too by the way.

Someone put up a tweet there of the team that started against Denmark and apparently only 3 of them were of "true English descent "

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Crypto-fash kulturkampfer Andrew Lilico has not taken kindly at all to Tyrone Mings’ tweet.

His hot takes are as spectacularly ill judged as you’d expect.

As usual with right-wing loons, “free speech” for others means the freedom to say only things they agree with.

I’m particularly intrigued by the sort of “thought process” and rejection of historical understanding that led him to demand the “submission” of Mings. Presumably he didn’t see how that would be problematic at all. Especially given that last year, Lilico claimed the statue of slave trader Edward Colston was “the symbol of favouring the rule of law and democracy” and used it as his profile picture.

Lilico is an immigrant from New Zealand by the way.

However some cracks in the right-wing kulturkampf front are beginning to appear.

Johnny Mercer weighed in with these - which are welcome - although less welcome is Mercer’s continuing belief in the entitlement of the British Army to murder people with impunity.


Yeah, Shaw and Pickford were two of them. I can’t remember the third, maybe it was Stones.

Slabhead loves an auld taco

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Slabhead is really hurting.

Another few quid in the arse pocket for 'Arry leader of men, assaulter of police

Can’t bate a good taco

Harry might try after a few pints


Harry would rather a gyro

Passed today at work listening to loads of English football podcasts. Fantastic listening after Sundqy’s defeat​:grinning::+1::+1:

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A bit rich coming from a league where football violence is rife and the power ultras have over clubs wouldn’t be accepted in the Uk.

You’re a bit triggered the last few days. Build a bridge and get over it.


I’m not but italians taking the moral high ground over football fans is funny. Have you ever been to a game in Italy?
They have moats around the pitch. Not too long ago someone brought a moped into a stadium and set it on fire. People have been shot dead outside stadiums. Police attacked, police losing a hand because of flares. An awful amount of scum but it doesn’t seem to carry over into the national team fans. As for racism in Italian club football ……

Italian football is brilliant. I wouldn’t change a single thing about it. Some of the nicest people you will ever, ever meet

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