ENGLAND Supporters Thread

Spurs looking more likely title winners than Bayern this season.

Poor oul Harry kane on his 400k a week and his family getting a broad cultural experience

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His family stayed in London no?

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Look at the broader picture and he’d have been wrong not to go. What a brilliant experience for them all. And he settled in and is pulling his weight. It speaks well of him I think.

If he doesn’t win the German league this season (which they probably still will end up doing), he will win it next. He’ll get good runs in Europe too.

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It’s kind of irrelevant tbh in the personal scheme of things. He’s doing all he can and exactly what he’s paid for.

Bayern will still win the league really. This is like the talk about City a few weeks ago.

If Xabi wins the league with a team commonly referred to as “Neverkusen” then it really would be something exceptional. They were 2nd from bottom when he inherited a shambles in October 2022. Fast forward 16 months and they’re unbeaten in all comps and 5 points clear of the utterly dominant Bayern.

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The German league is an absolute cod of a league.


id say if he wins the league with Leverkeusen his next stop will be Madrid

It’s amusing watching Liverpool obsess over alonso. If he wasn’t an ex player nobody would mention him for the job.

If Liverpool appoint alonso I’d say he wouldn’t even finish out the season. Liverpools squad looks a right mess too. A lot of the best players are left with 18 month deals and will either want huge money to stay or leave relatively cheaply and cost a lot to replace.

It’s amusing watching the United fans obsess over Liverpool obessing over Alonso


its amusing watching footix



Real Madrid is a deeply uninteresting prospect as a manager. If you do well you get sod all credit and if your face doesn’t fit it can ruin your managerial career. The Spanish league is on its way to backwater status in the same way Serie A became a backwater.

The Premier League is a much more challenging and interesting place to manage. Even the Bundesliga is a more exciting place to manage than Real Madrid.


didnt he ditch Liverpool before for Madrid?

they are the biggest club in the world, surely thats the draw


Best young players in the world are at Madrid too

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He was done dirty that time by Rafa who more or less forced him out the door. He tried to replace him with Gareth fucking Barry.

Yep, who would pick nunez over bellinghan

Didn’t Guardiola and Klopp manage in Germany directly before coming to England? Didn’t work out too badly for them. A league very much on a par with the Italian league that lads romance about here.