ENGLAND Supporters Thread

Today I feel Serbian

That’s an Infantinile mentality.

I shall support Serbia myself…hon Serbia.

I dislike Serbians more than the English :man_facepalming:t2:

I listened to Southgate’s podcast with Jake Humphrey’s.

I think it’s a likeable enough England squad tbh. Very few Liverpool players and a lot of lads from diverse back rounds.

Have a look at the support…couldn’t wish any success for that crowd.

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Southgate did a podcast with Jake Humphrey? Uh oh.

Ya I know exactly what you mean.

Yep he did it was actually an interesting listen.

Some serious footballers in there. Not great defensively and that could be their achilles heal.

Same number of Liverpool players (2) as Man United.

Two too many.

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Genuinely, why do you dislike Liverpool so much? It’s a far more Irish city than Manchester, and youve barely set a foot in either ever. Seems bizarre.


Can Paddy Footix give the tired old Mancs v Scouser jibes a rest for a bit. We’re all united now for the moment behind our three lions. It’s coming home.

Is there a trophy for that

For barely setting a foot in either? We’ll get you one :+1:

No sign of the English hooligans. Theyd run scared of the Serbs of course.

I’m even more Serbian now