
What sort of carbon footprint does gay pride month leave? cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Funtime. All this rainbow paraphernalia being made in sweat shops in the Far East then being shipped all over the world before being tossed in the skip cone the start of July. Then lads flying all over the place to be seen at the biggest parades


The rest of us facilitate proxy slavery, why shouldn’t the gay lads keep a few Asians in some sort of bondage?

I’m not sure you’ve heard it but

Hooch is crazy

No firm, I’m in a govt department. One that’s leading the CS on pride photo ops, unlike glas’ lot who just have a rainbow flag put up.


Mate, @anon26343222 is clearly a mong, but this ‘hooch is crazy’ line you post after any reference to him is genuinely some of the most tiresome shit I’ve seen on the internet. It’s not funny. It wasn’t funny the first time and it’s not funny the 187th time either. It’s just very, very cringeworthy.

You just don’t get it

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I know that’s an attempt at humour by you and well done. I’m happy not to get it, it’s retarded, sad behaviour.

IV feelings too. A mong! Il take that. I like his hooch is crazy comments. It shows his snookered behind the black. @Enrique i thought I had you on ignore after you made a fool of yourself bigging up Joshua on the boxing thread. Strange. :thinking:

Did anyone hear about the gay seagulls?

It’s a tempting solution to use the ignore button but it dilutes the forum. Yes, mate you were right about AJ, enjoy it.

He really doesn’t.

Some quare hawks making their way home on the streets of Dublin yesterday morning :smile:

Ireland is becoming modern, but it is still backward in a lot of ways.

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Until we can secede Cork, this will always be the case sadly

I will have to give my tentative Green Party support serious consideration after seeing the state of Dublin 1 and 7 this morning following the weekend festivities. Rubbish strewn everywhere, at least 4 times as much as a usual Monday morning.

It’s a pity the gays dont show as much civic pride as they do pride in their sexuality. Isn’t Eamon Ryan a front and centre supporter of this month long drain on the environment?

I was out and about in town yesterday evening. There was a lot of people who didn’t get much sleep on Saturday night floating about.

Gas to watch the roasters from Kilkenny and Westmeath mingling and brushing past these alien beings to them no doubt, the looks being given were priceless.

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is there many gays down the country or is it only the cities?

Isn’t that impersonator from Monaghan a gay and the two Cusack brothers from Cloyne, the gays are everywhere

It’s nearly hereditary at this stage