
Katie should give up the fags.


To Ze or not to Ze, that is the question.

Your not allowed to laugh at people anymore apparently it’s a hate crime. Fucking snowflakes

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Yes but FFS pride this,trans phobia that,sick shit of the whole lot at this stage,if you’re gay/ trans/ whatever do you really have to march ? Why? what’s the fucking point, surely it’s a private thing and as most normal ppl don’t give a shite why give the loopers an excuse to take a pop at you?

Aren’t they volunteers?

RNLI do a tremendous job


Go way?

Quisling alert

Why are you marching in a gay pride parade if you hate the queers? Because you’re a RNLI quisling scumbag. Fakery comes naturally.

This is a low moment for TFK. TFK is proven right about everything its said about the RNLI and the virtue signallers but its homophobia takes over and it can’t enjoy its moment.


:+1:leave the handbags to yourself

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Unlike you RNLI save lives no argument,and I don’t give a fuck what they allegedly said to whomever ,stating facts only

Pardon ones ignorance, but what is a straight CI when it comes to sexual orientation/gender?

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Can you summarise that for me @anon61878697

Ci means normal . If you are Cigender this means you are a person who identifies as their birth gender and also heterosexual

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Sailors are gay.

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The Official Complaints Department of the Irish Coast Guard. :rofl::rofl:


Careful now the phantom post flagger will return

Yeah I was wondering wtf it meant

They only save the lives of South Dublin unionist sailing types. They are forelock tuggers