Essay writing competition thread

Let the spambots have the other thread.

I’ve started this so we can have a serious thread on American politics and the goings on in the USA.


Choco, please correct the thread title.

Write something then, and we can discuss it.
My 2c: Anyone merely posting articles from news sources without analysis should be ridiculed / banished.

John McCain is a cunt.

His talk about democracy would make you laugh.

@ChocolateMice please administer an infraction immediately.

McCain is a nutcase, as evidenced by his singing “bomb bomb Iran” during his presidential run. Like all nutters, he tries to act normal, but the mask always slips. He has been on every side of every issue during his political career, in an attempt to be part of the centrist majority. Most likely his mind was shattered while in captivity, and sadly all that’s left is a shell.

“The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself on the side of the insane” Marcus Aurelius


He has some cheek to come out with that statement today.

Odious cunt.

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You being a classic example. :grin:

…and there we go, 8 posts in and the thread is destroyed.


McCain hates Trump as he regards himself (McCain) as the expert on foreign policy. The problem for McCain is American foreign policy has been a disaster for decades, and he has supported every mistake along the way. He has never seen an opportunity for war or US intervention he does not like.
Rand Paul is right about him, the country dodged a bullet by not electing him.


Agree fully with that.

Being honest the mainstream media outlets Trump referenced in Florida have it in for him big time.

He’s trying to by-pass them…how successfull he’ll be time will tell…its interesting to watch though.

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What would you know about it? I hear you haven’t hands nor the motor functions to even wipe your own hoop.

@Carryharry is after getting inventive :rollseyes:

Rattled badly.

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It’s not unusual at all for US presidents to be at loggerheads with the press, although Trump is probably the most extreme we have seen. The problem for the mainstream press or traditional press is they are desperately trying to stay relevant but it’s a losing battle. I think its 85% of advertising revenue that now goes to online social media and 15% to traditional media.

Leaving aside that the media is almost entirely progressive liberal, the added problem is they are only focussed on potential scandals and ignoring the issues people care about. Last week’s press conference a classic example, with almost all questions about Russia. Where were the questions on a tax plan, trade plan, replacing Obamacare, infrastructure projects, etc. Nobody gives a shit about Russia.

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You and that little grease monkey can rot in the same hole as far as I’m concerned :rollseyes:

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You’re too good for this place, get out, they’ll draw you down again. Save yourself.

Hmmm…posting styles are an awful give away.

@ChocolateMice will save his own thread surely?

You are without doubt the dumbest person posting on TFK. Congratulations.