Essay writing competition thread

“Immigrants are pouring into our nation and poisoning our youth”

“We are throwing the gang members the hell out of our country”

“Can you believe what’s happening in Chicago?”

7 people shot and killed
7 people
7 people
A great American city
7 people

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“Where do the pipes come from to build the pipelines? Well sir it comes from all over the World. NOPE. It comes from the USA or it doesn’t get built.”


He really hates consultants :joy: I’m with him on that one


“Miners are going back to work” although that could potentially be “minors are going back to work”.

“I’m getting rid of regulations, and by the way I love regulations, we need really strong regulations, but we don’t need 75% of regulations”

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It’s just like the Family Guy episode where Lois keeps saying 9/11.

He just said “our military” there and the place erupted


You should be on the Guardian Live doing this, great reportage.

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You’ll be happy to know that Trump has a plan to totally obliterate ISIS.

“Take a look at what happened in Sweden”
“Take a look at what happened in Germany”
“Take a look at what happened in France”
“Take a look at what happened in Paris”

Trumps friend won’t go to Paris anymore

“I said Democrats please approve our cabinet and get smart on healthcare”

Trump slipping in product endorsements now :joy:

“I like Campbells soup”

“We will protect our second amendment”

Crowd on their feet again, so easy

Shouldn’t someone tell him the election is over?

“millions and millions of people were joining (the GOP, during the election), I won’t say it was all because of me, but it was”



God reference.

On their feet again.

“I want to thank the people who voted for me in record numbers”

“God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America”