European Cup Rugby

Ah lads :joy:

O’Gara served them their dinner an all



He’s a decent player but that’s the second final in a row he didn’t really stamp his authority on things.

You’d have to have grave doubts over sextons participation too in the World Cup.


I haven’t looked but is there a football team in La Rochelle. Would Nantes be the closest club? Or rugby the only show in town I wonder. (How many sports are competing for bodies in Dublin)

Maybe he is. I dunno. I have heard he is a bollox, but the guy who said it to me, is also a prick.


They play in the sixth tier of French football

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It’s a big sailing and boules town.

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Stayed there about 10 years ago, probably more. Lovely town. We went boozing with La Rochelle rugby team in an Irish bar. They were 2nd division at the time and there was 1 Irish bloke on the night out, think he was ex Connacht. Little did we know some Fijian legend of the game took us on to some place for some late drinks. We hadn’t a clue who he was until we looked him up online the day after. Can’t remember his name now. He would have been early 30s at the time I’d say.

Sereli Bobo?

It’s practically the same team but somehow I don’t see the current Ireland team losing that match like Leinster did. Even without sexton. Different mindset somehow.

You would assume that if O’Mahony was in amongst that lot he would haves knocked a few heads together and engineered an exit. He would also have shithoused a reaction either out of the referee or Stade Rochelais and drawn a yellow card somewhere along the line for them. Leinster when you take out Sexton are too nice.

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TFK at its absolute finest


They seem a bit rudderless or leaderless alright. POM, Beirne and Hansen the only other difference in personnel. POM would improve Leinster alright but Ireland as a team seem much more able to absorb setbacks and come again.

Before his time. I think it might have been Norman Ligairi. I don’t think it was Seru Rabeni who doesn’t look to have played with them in 2nd division. (Just looking at former players on wikipedia). I remember him telling us he was from Fiji. He was great craic as well.

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What injury did James Ryan get to be subbed early?

Hansen is a much better player than Jimmy O’Brien in fairness.

Stade Rochelais hardly did that stupid fucking thing of getting two or three forwards extending the ruck and then have the scrum half kick the ball back to the other team at all. Irish teams are very good at gathering the ball in that situation. I wonder was it a tactic or was the ruck such a Wild West that they weren’t able to engineer it?

Bang on the head, hit a French fellas knee after a tackle.

I can. The french pack are ginormous and it was their pack that edged us the 6 Nations before last in Paris.

Again it doesn’t seem like that should been the difference in the game. That human chain thing is getting so silly, they need a rule change on that. Conan looked like Hercules again when Leinster in the ascendency but goes quiet when things are against them.